February 24, 2008

Highlights Are History, With Photos To Prove It

 This is a Post I wrote back On Feb. 24, 2008.

I wanted to update the photos and re-post this with newer photos so those of you who still go in and ask for highlights, think about going to one color. There isn't a celebrity alive who gets highlights, that little fact should tell you something...

Your Stylist May Not Like This News, ( the reason for that feeling may be the old cash cow)

Highlights are the most expensive procedure on that long menu of prices at the Salon

Eclipse Technique: Bleach half the head leaving the lengths the virgin color, if needed refresh the ends with demi perm Level 6BA(brown-ash). A very tricky procedure and very expensive - but > OH .... SO .... WORTH.... IT!

Hidden Ribbons technique: MAGMA colored Bleach & Tone in one step. Great for all virgin Level 1-6 Hair (ethnic hair). Applied in minimum amount of 3/4" Ribbons - using foils to separate

Paint Drips Technique: Ends are colored/lightened or darkened. Huge in UK & Germany, Very easy to apply. Use tail comb to separate out the pieces...apply bleach or lightener of choice use foils to separate .All over color the rest of hair.

Hidden Frame Technique: 1 inch of hair along hairline separated away and barrier creamed off from remainder of hair. Lighten or darken according to needs. Color the bulk of hair other color ; here a 7RG.

Single Pirouette Technique: Star shape on top of head parted off. Remainder of hair lightened to Level 12. Star tinted a 7RG.

Block Color Technique: One big block of ASH (deep green-blue)applied to one big panel of hair.

Little bit of a few techniques. A few PAINT DRIPS . . .One All Over color.......then one foil with one layer of highlights and a ggggggreat cut!

Framed Technique : one simple ribbon on each side of the face. Something as simple as this give the feeling of having lightened hair without the dreaded "highlight" routine

Dark Framed Technique. 1 inch along hairline tinted dark.
. Paint Drips Gone Wild

 This technique is SLICES which is very different than highlights............ this we like

 This is a Post from 2008 and I still stand by my title.............VOGUE magazine copied my title 1 year after I wrote this !


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12 comments on "Highlights Are History, With Photos To Prove It"
  1. Hi, can you put the color charts for KOLESTON PERFECT, I can't really get an idea at wella.com. Thanks

  2. Anonymous,
    No problem tomorrow they will appear -
    For a company that large and good you would "THINK" they would want to sell their color, its awful hard to picture with the charts they have on their site..
    My photos beat theirs, they should take notes.

  3. I don't know if you are in the KILLERSTRANDS group or not...I have downloaded the color charts into there, mainly because you can click on them and see them up-close. I had planned the demonstration today, but will get them on here as well.
    Killer Chemist

  4. is the ribbon technique where just the ends are hightlighted do-able at home? I think it is really fantastic.. if you have the time please share it with us.. I would be so glad!!!

    PS.. how are you doing with your health? i want to thank you for being so strong , you are giving a lot of people courage and strength to overcome their problems :)))

    Best Regards


  5. waterstiller:

    Thanks girl!

    Ribbons are slices of hair taken out on a particular angle to create what looks like a ribbon in the hair.
    The ends are called PAINT DRIPS, I plan on showing the techniques
    I just ordered some more doll heads for demonstrations.
    Don't forget:

    spread the word.

  6. do you have a diagram of how to part the hair for the single pirouette technique? Do I start at the top of the head or the side of the top?

  7. Hey Mrs M,
    Is that you ...the nurse? How are you...I think I lost you in the onslaught!
    I just did a photo-demonstration of the single pirouette, it is about the easiest technique for home hair colorists to try, which is why I did it.
    It shows how to part it, how to apply & the result...I just need to shoot the completion shots tomorrow and it will be ready to go I'd love for everyone to see how different....
    how cool
    and how easily this can be done--> for most of you,
    I merely used bleach & 40 Volume and a toner (for fun)
    that's it
    Just no one taught this to the public - I can't wait for you all to see
    I hope everyone will be jazzed at the results of something so simple
    and give it a try..
    aKa Killer Chemist

  8. Hi! Yes its me! I adore your site! I tried the bleach and tone in the front of my hair and it was so hard for me to make everything even but it worked! So, now I have lost interest in bleach and I think I want to do a a darker golden blonde with the pirouette technique. Its amazing what I can accomplish at home. Everytime I do my own hair people at work come up to me and complement me on how great it looks. So, needless to say I have given up the salon as far as coloring is concerned. I did find a great salon that gave me a great cut. Vidal Sassoon trained, no less. Although, I did have the color done there once who was an educator for Vidal Sassoon who turned my roots strawberry blonde and the rest green. I was shocked! SO, I promptly came home and did the shampoo cap and woudldn't you know I look fab. again. So, that's when I finally gave up on salon's. So, now I am going to play with demi permanent colors on the bleached out parts of my hair to match whichever color I choose on my roots. YOur site is amazing. I think you can read my mind. Everytime I am thinking of posting a question that is the next topic on your website. I love it! And I love doing my own hair. Its so fun and I like being able to change it up. I think I will even do a dark blond at some point. My husband totally loves it! Oh and by the way I am convinced that the east coast just sucks for hair and is way behind the times in the hair world. I don't care what any of the sassy east coast "celebrity" hairdressers claim. I was in Vegas last week and I saw so much fierce hair that you DO NOT see in Ny or South Beach which is where I live. I am convinced those people are from California or somewhere on the west coast. You need to have a show on Bravo to give the rest of the U.S. a verbal bitchslap and raise the bar. Have you seen Housewives of Orangecounty/NY? the H.W. of cali. have much better hair than the ones in Ny. The NY hw's are so badly in need of cuts,conditioner, color! Embarrassing!

  9. Wow, these pictures are so neat! It's amazing what can be done with color. I've been looking for a new hairstyle and color. Thanks for sharing.

  10. wow,my computer has been in for repairs and your site looks great Dakota!Im happy to be back.Do you think you could demo or write the procedure to color cascade or "melt"from a darker at root into lighter and lighter through oput lengths to the tips being the lightest?I would like to do this on my own hair.Thanks,anj

  11. I have a question about paint drips.....

    I naturally have dark/golden blonde hair colour. 4 months ago I got my hair highlighted dark red all over and now that it has faded into a brassy version of my natural hair colour I would like to get rid of the brassiness and go back to my natural colour. I have 1.5 inches of undyed root growth, and my hair goes 3 inches past my shoulders and is layered from my face down.

    I was wondering if my hair stylist would be able to match my natural root growth colour exactly and apply it like Paint Drips so that the undyed root portion will remain undyed and the brassy dyed part will become more like my natural hair colour from the new dye. This way no one will see the defined root growth line anymore and I can gradually cut off the dyed portion of hair as it grows out and get my natural hair colour back.

    Will this work or only in an ideal world?

  12. Why don't you ask your stylist . . . depends on the quality of your stylist, in my world .............anything can be done. .
    take her pictures . . . . ....KC


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