I have had a number of requests for formula's and tricks to achieving the Rose-gold Blond look
Normally I would tell you to go to a qualified Colorist but this isn't really that tough. If the
Killerstrands Angel-Rose-Angel BURST Conditioner |
Remember I learned hair color when I was old, my first career was as a Stunt.woman in Hollywood..........don't ask me why I made the transition......it was not my choice - believe me. Lets just say I had one angry ex-husband who was a big-shot movie director and he was not happy when I informed him I no longer wanted to be married to a person who chose his his drug/alcohol use above his family . That didn't hit his male ego button very well so he turned on me....... blackballed me in the industry......he told everyone that if they hired me, they would never work for him again. He controlled a lot in that world. But anyway that's enough about that...
What I want you to learn is that if I can learn all of this at an older age... every single one of you can. I am trying to empower everyone of you with the knowledge and instructions on either coloring your hair yourself.............or doing touch-ups for when you can't get in to see your Colorist. There are many of you who live in remote areas and have ZERO access to a decent colorist and are forced to learn to do your own hair. There are many that just can...not or don't want to pay hundreds of dollars every month to do hair you can now learn to do on the Internet.
So when I say read and re-read............the instructions I give, if you don't understand it the first time I say it - then re-read it and then re-read it the next day.......... I say that because that is how I learned. This all was so foreign to me, but just doing some extra reading truly helped me learn a lot of concepts that were completely foreign to anything I had ever done in my life!
So, the trick to becoming rose-blond, is really much easier than one would think. That is because what you do is begin with blonde hair and then put a rose-blond toner over the hair. You can also put some darker rose-gold pieces in the hair, but for the sake of this post lets just go with 2 formula's for achieving rose gold hair and the use of BOOST & BURST for both upkeep and creating the look. You can create Katy Perry's look at home by starting with blond hair and we have been going over the many zillions of ways there are to achieve blonde hair in the posts over the last couple of weeks. Then applying BURST in Angel-Rose-Angel on just the first 3 inches of the hair in kind of an up & down method... So that is easy and should be solved.
Then you can begin with Blond hair and it can be a Level 8 like Sienna is here
The following look can be achieved by 2 methods of products we carry
You can apply Schwarzkopf in the Candy Pink Pastel 9.5-89
I would suggest using 6Volume the first time.
Just divide hair in Quarters, apply in tiny sections of the hair
it should like this.....
Now is you were to want a look like this, you would just foil some pieces or ribbons around previously lightened hair :
This would be more difficult, for 1.) you need to begin with Level 11 or 12 hair....Level 12 is what she has. Then this is more "ROSE".............than Pink so you would need to create my secret formula.
Made from Color Touch - - KC's Dark ROSE Formula
4-8 ounces of 13Volume Developer
Now the trick to mixing this is this.............YOU CANNOT JUST MIX THE 2 COLORS ! !
One must only use the following formula using the above colors. If you don't do it like this you end up with a mess, but it is NOT THAT HARD!
#1.) Squeeze 1 ounce of 9/16 into bowl.........
#2.) Squeeze 2 grams of the 6/45 color coming out the tube into the bowl. Mix those 2 items together first with a knife.
#3.) Pour 2 ounces of 13Volume Developer into the bowl and MIX WELL.
#4.) Now just apply all over evenly and quickly
- outline the section first, that you begin with, with the hair color you are using
- the section you start with should be the section in the back or where you want the color to be the darkest.
- now just section and part your way up the hair applying the color this formula will look EXACTLY like the ends in Kate Hudson's hair below..... OR put the darker highlights like in the photo 4-A , above...

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Remember BOOST & BURST will keep your ROSE-BLOND Hair all Rosy & Easy. Shampoo leave that in a couple minutes then decide how much color you want from BURST they both have loads of pigment in them.............. so knock yourself out.
Any Questions?
Hey KC,
ReplyDeleteI am in love with how extensive your blog is! Finally some professional and detailed information on hair coloring. I haven't gone through all your posts yet but I was hoping you could give me some advice. I'm planning on ombre-ing my level 2 (or level 3 on your scale) hair so that it turns out something like this http://urglamour.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Ombre-hair-3.jpg
Would I be able to achieve this with only bleach/developer and toner? I'd say I'm artsy but I'm pretty new to hair when it comes to doing it at home so any info will be much appreciated! Thanks
I have to speed read/answer these questions because of time constraints...couldn't find your photo.
ReplyDeleteBut, I never recommend people doing advanced techniques like OMBRE at home, there is a time and a place for different type of hair color techniques. All the tricky ones you should either head to the best Salon in town, or hire one to come to your house and help you. Craigs list works wonders for that.