Well, I wanted to bring the SPLASH LIGHTS technique
to the forefront again...I think its a beautiful technique (no it should not be tried at home) - very subtle and easy to get out of.... but the main reason that I bring it to the forefront you will see at the very end and the last photo !
So check it out

and here is the very best SPLASHLIGHTS technique of the month..........and maybe of the year . . . .
The Mom from the Baltimore Riots ! ! !
smackin' up her kid . . . I just loved it and wish things weren't so touchy now-a-days, that's why kids don't respect parents (so much) any longer .... that was the 2nd best thing to come out of that disaster.
to the forefront again...I think its a beautiful technique (no it should not be tried at home) - very subtle and easy to get out of.... but the main reason that I bring it to the forefront you will see at the very end and the last photo !
So check it out

and here is the very best SPLASHLIGHTS technique of the month..........and maybe of the year . . . .
The Mom from the Baltimore Riots ! ! !
smackin' up her kid . . . I just loved it and wish things weren't so touchy now-a-days, that's why kids don't respect parents (so much) any longer .... that was the 2nd best thing to come out of that disaster.
Extra :D . how can i get level 9 hair from level 8 (my hair are colored) . Do i must use bleach powder? Ana