August 13, 2007

Coming Into The Home Stretch of Home Hair Color

Into the home stretch on the Home hair coloring series…
..just a couple small categories to brush over.

What I’ve done is take tons of info and try my hardest to condense so once into specific cases, for ex: if you are a Level 4 and you want to be a level 7 what is the procedure, I will be able to refer to many referenced points in hopes of clarifying . I want everyone out there to have the tools & knowledge to "formulate your own hair color" as easy as you would bake a cake.
Know what?...that is basically what it is!

Lately there are many rifts going around the hair color industry aimed at the consumer about hair color “ammonia” content. There is one line of color proclaiming they are the new wonder color because they do not use ammonia in their line of hair color. Yes, of course...there are people allergic to ammonia, but there are people allergic to the sun…does that mean we should get rid of it? Try not to prescribed to blanket statements like that, they are a marketing tools  to ''sell'' - period.

The line of color I am referring to is made by the “CHI” company…sound familiar? Yep the - Flat Iron -dash- BioSilk -dash- everything –under-the-sun company from Texas. What consumer knows what ammonia does or does not do in hair color or hair, most consumers think of ammonia as something in window cleaner. Ammonia opens the cuticle on a hair strand which enables the color to go INTO the strand. That is what one needs in trying to change hair color, why wouldn’t you want it? If you don’t want certain things that chemicals do then one should just eliminate the entire process -- period. Don’t spend time trying to wiggle around them and end up doing the complete wrong thing to your hair. That’s what happens all the time, I run into it constantly.

CHI should not be making Hair Color or Flat Irons….I firmly believe in sticking to what you are good at. After BIO Silk they tried to go into shampoo’s conditioners, and failed at them…they sure do not learn. 3 of the best hair color manufacturers in the world are WELLA , FRAMESI, & RENBOW. What else do these companies make? NOTHING. Hair Color and everything around & for hair color. They come up with new color and new technologies for existing hair colors as a good company should – all facets of business should operate that way.

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4 comments on "Coming Into The Home Stretch of Home Hair Color"
  1. Hey - thanks for a great read! Question: I've been using body art quality henna on my hair for about the past year. My natural color is a golden brown with lots of red highlights. I've been trying to strip the henna out using ColorFix (got it at Sally's) and have done it about 5 times. My stylist doesn't think it's really damaged my hair, but it also hasn't lifted much of the color at all. Do you have any suggestions as to what I might do to get back to (as close as possible) my natural color? I realize there may be some color correction involved but want it to look natural so I don't have to go through this again. By the way, my hair is caucasian, medium texture with spiral curls (not a perm).

  2. I'm so glad to hear you are trying to get it out..I know its "natural..there was never anyone more "natural" than me until I discovered how important certain "chemicals are for a healthy way of life. Yes - its true. It took a full 6 months to truly & thoroughly switch over and understand...but I never took chemistry in high school I didn't think i would like it..I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT NOW & have never looked back. I was a vegetarian for 16 years and very strict, I swear.The easy way around that is> just follow my suggestions. EVERYTHING I do or choose is for the HEALTH OF your hair and your body. If you knew some of the things I have researched> run clinical testing would hop on board.
    Now, there is one very good product for removing that and any type of hair color. Somewhere on the Blog I have mentioned it, I am so bad at the whole "organizational " part of this- I sure hope I improve. First of all STOP USING ANYTHING that is for removing color from anywhere and especially Sally's. I have to use Sally's because it is the one and only nationwide beauty supply (there are some very very decent things there- but NOT under this category)This, is COLOR correction- which you are smart enough to have figured out.
    I want this site to be:
    if you are smart and you DO want to give some color correction procedures a shot at now can & have the PROFESSIONAL ANSWER & directions to do it ! Many high dollar Colorists aren't going to like this site, that's OK.

    There is only one product ANYONE should use, everything else will continue to destroy your hair. Trust me. I could go into long disertations about chemicals but I doubt you want to hear it. ( if you do let me know) The product has been around for 20 years and was developed and patented by a German Color company Schwarzkopf. A few years back I am not to sure why it sold the patent (for lots of money i'm sure)...and it now says on the box Phantom Color Corrector by Salon Partners...but for 20 years it was called MOD-U-LAT and for the life of me I cannot get the name out of my mind.

    I just did a 10-minute search and could not find it. Probably on EBAY, would be my guess. Thing is.. its only supposed to be used by licensed cosmetologists and it IS expensive. This is what is used on the celebrity hair color switching everyone sees. They have loads of money, and love to change hair color, this does not damage the hair. It amazes me that no ever wonders how they do it. To have a Colorist apply and go thru the steps can run from $100. up to $1000. The problem is sometimes it needs to be applied 2-3-4-6 times in a single day or even come back for a second day if you are working with black. Its not a FAST procedure, one application takes a total of 90 minutes to apply-under dryer- remove shampoo...then again depending on how much color you need out...which is why a celeb or whomever with money just has a stylist come to their house and we kick it around the house for the entire day removing the color.. The advantage? It actually REVERSES the molecular structure of the color that was deposited and pulls it back out the way it went in, just not as fast...without the use of peroxide, and in the most gentle and non-damaging way possible and known to man. Peroxide is not a bad chemical but it is... if its used incorrectly...and it should never be used to remove color on the entire head of hair.
    Hair can only take so much, there is nothing more important than the health of your hair.
    If you want I can sell you a box of it through the PAY PAL method...I have anything anyone needs through that method, if we can't figure anything else out. Its fairly simple to apply--if you want to try this method.
    let me know and I will give you some tips and tricks to getting it to work to its best ability.
    My suggestion?
    If I were you I would get on the "SHAMPOO BAND WAGON"what's that? You need to get a clarifying shampoo and(no matter which way you pic I would do this right now to get all of that Sally's crud out of your hair) shampoo your hair 4-5-6-7 times tonight. Which means you shampoo it - rinse it - let it rest for 20-30 minutes. Then again, shampoo ( when shampooing you are to take the lengths of hair in your hands and rub it back and forth between the flats of your hands super hard and super fast)trying to scrub the color molecules out with the shampoo-the crappier the shampoo the better..crappy shampoo strips hair color really well, and this will show you that LOUD & CLEAR!
    Do this Shampoo train at least 5 times tonight. You will be surprised how much color you can get out of your hair with lousy /or clarifying shampoo+ the best part??? Its gentle to your hair, when all is said and done. ... The goal!

    Using MODULAT or PHANTOM color corrector involves lots of shampooing in the exact same method and frequency, difference is there are 2 applications per box. The product itself is 2 small 2 fl. ounce bottles, each bottle needs to stay separate from the other until you are ready to use it....It has a limited time span as well...all these things are critical to it working correctly.
    I know so many stylists that do not know how to use it correctly, they are just impatient. The liquid inside looks like water...and when combined it smells pretty horrific (stale eggs!)...but boy does it work.

    I would suggest getting on the shampoo train...buying one box of Phantom...and then you should be set to go....
    I bet your hair will be perfect after 2 applications followed by 2-3 shampoos.
    (although henna is so damn unpredictable)

    anyway...boy that is a mouthful...

    let me know what you decide
    Killer Chemist
    aka Dakota
    your name?
    so I have a reference would help

  3. I had used Phantom on my hair last year when I went from black to a lovely shade of blonde... I can't find it anywhere though and don't feel like spending endless hours (and dollars!) at the salon.. Any idea where I can find it and how much it costs??

    p.s. Already started the shampoo bandwagon.. my hair is now at least 3 shades ranging from brown to a soft black/dark brown.

  4. Hey Ashleigh...
    my name is Dakota
    GREAT, I couldn't find it online anywhere either.

    All products I recommend will be available thru me & PAY PAL. One box of Phantom is $23.00 plus about $5.00 for shipping if you're interested.

    How well did it work for you last time?

    Keep the shampooing up...its the very best prep...
    ** [That is a trick I have never given up till now]
    Let me know if you want to purchase the Phantom...I know a few tricks that work with it also... you will be pleasantly surprized.

    aka killer chemist


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