August 15, 2007

On Your Mark Get Set Color ! Begin Hair Color Formulating

Know why this is a good tool?

Once you realize what you have to consider to color your hair (correctly) it will prevent you from making mistakes (I hope).
Begin with answers to these questions:

  1. What Level of color ARE YOU ?

  2. What Level of color do you DESIRE to be?

  3. What TONE or color do you want . . . Lordie,. . . . I forgot Tones ???! I am soooo sorry. This is so hard - every single company has different tones....but they are important. Like do you want an ASH Brown or a RED Brown > those are tones and are completely opposite colors and are very important.OK, I'll have to take one last hiccup and spend one full post on TONES /SHADES, that is the "key" to have a Chocolate Brown versus a Caramel Brown,it probably doesn't sound that different. It is. I swear. We've come this far, we must finish the race...correctly. What an Idiot. Well, now you know me...Space Case UNLIMITED. I'm sorry. Lets finish this.

  4. Do you need a base ( first 1 inch of hair) Are you dealing with Grey hair (at all) how much?

  5. Fine, medium or coarse hair?

  6. What's the previous damage...?
  7. The single most important question . . . . What type of artificial hair color do you have on your hair already? What was it and when ? Be completely honest about this answer please.
OK...get the answers to these down. If you aren't coloring your hair now, then make-up something you want to try in the future. Color the neighbors hair. Just play around, get familiar with 'Levels'. Be able to answer the questions easily. Tomorrow I'll zip over tones and shades. . . . so we will be complete...sort of! Thank you for hanging in there.
For those of you serious about learning and practicing home HAIR COLORING The Pro way... You will want to pick a line or two of color that you will use. There is a couple ways to go... I have been scoping out what you are able to purchase without a cosmetology license...its a whole different world. I have put the public lines of hair color thru a number of tests and I cannot find one that I would recommend - therefore I have made available to you the professional lines of hair color that will knock your socks off. Just send the store an email with ORDER in the Subject and I will get back to you
The idea is to get AWAY from using a kit that only has ONE Volume of developer in the box. You need much more leeway in deciding which Volume of developer to use on your hair.
If a
  • - - Red head
  • - - a Blonde and a
  • - - African American (black hair)
all go into a store to purchase a box of color to become a LEVEL 6 chocolate brunette - those boxed kits will lead you to believe that all 3 of you can purchase the same box to get that color. I hope you can see - simply from common sense that would not be true.
As a Top Colorist in LA I want you to know if everyone in those 3 groups - purchases that box of Color to become a Level 6 chocolate Brown.... NONE OF THEM will get the right result. Did you notice which category I left out?
That is the only group that I could guess "might" get good results.

It has to do with which VOLUME of developer is IN that box.... and all the variables I have reviewed and will review with you - - of your hair . Its simple insane to think you can get the proper answers in 1 tiny box without considering all the variables to make a correct decision.

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4 comments on "On Your Mark Get Set Color ! Begin Hair Color Formulating"
  1. Just wanted to tell you that you are SAVING my hair here. Have to give up the salon color. Not only that, but the woman who was doing my hair, was overprocessing it anyway... so why not do it at home! I look forward to more on highlighting... I've mastered the "math" for levels - and I cover grey (>50%) and brown. So looking forward to the next steps.

  2. Hi Nikki,
    Welcome and thank you...that makes me feel so good - at times I worry that I am rambling and no one is paying your email came at exactly the right moment.

    I was writing todays post, which is on Bleach & Tone. Its a big subject and being as I took a week off, I wanted to come back with a BANG! I will go into highlighting and ribbons(keep reading)this week. I will spend this week on highlighting and bleaching, so if you have any questions at all...please ask away ... & again
    MANY thanks,
    Killer Chemist
    aka Dakota

  3. Nikki,

    I forgot something...I have not gone into COVERING GRAY yet
    ...there is a trick...that not many know...and 75% of most hairstylists don't know it, but I will give it up on here... so if and when you are ready to cover the base..shoot me an email and I will help you with it...hopefully I will have gotten to that part on here.
    Killer Chemist
    aka Dakota

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All comments are moderated. Please do not include: references to personal information, or any profane, inflammatory or copyrighted comments. We would appreciate it if we all stick to the subject of HAIR . Have a wonderful day.

