August 10, 2007

The Hairy Little Things

There are some little things that in preparation I may have skipped over that I feel must, at least, be mentioned.

I know, as I am sure you do ( by now) that writing is not my thing.
I've been reading a book, but with the 3 blogs to stay up on I barely have time to actually "learn", either that or I am too damn old!

I have just found a website that does a wonderful job of organizing many of the basics I have skimmed over in this series and feel you could benefit greatly from . In my attempt to be as brief as possible, I fear I have left out small nuggets of pertinent information. Now The deal is {as is with anyone that attempts to teach hair color} they do not understand hair color "Formulation" so there needs to be a Red Flag when getting to the part of actually coloring your hair.
Color Formulation is the key to beautiful hair color.

This site recommends using "Kits" which is the absolute 100% wrong thing to use.
Hair Color Kits should be Banned - Burned and Bombed, they are job security for hair stylists and in no way can work properly except on a tiny % of the popluation.

It makes me wonder who is actually backing someone that makes such an idiotic statement. If they truly knew their stuff they would not tell anyone to use boxed hair color kits, chemically / theoretically and logically they make absolutely no sense. So as long as you can remember that when reading the summaries, you will be OK.
The reason I feel it worth it to recommend? They have listed and named off almost all the...little... preliminary preparations I can think of. So read everything leading up to "coloring the hair". If you are one of the daily readers of this Blog then you are dedicated to learning about the professional way to color your hair. Coloring your hair like the top Colorists in the country, something myself and a few of my associates said we would write about in another 20 years . . . not now. So absorb it and ask any questions you want /need to.

here is that website:

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