October 19, 2007

27 Uses for the wonderful Shea Butter

Shea Butter will provide improvement in all the conditions listed below. As you use this multi-purpose cream you are likely to discover additional uses. The amount of time required for optimum results with various conditions may vary with each condition. Wrinkles, for example, require 4 to 6 weeks of daily use. Itching is relieved immediately.
1.) Dry skin
2.) skin rash
3.) Controls Hair Fly-Aways
4.) Skin peeling, after tanning
5.) Blemishes and wrinkles
6.) Itching skin
7.) Sunburn
8.) shaving cream for a smooth silky shave
9.) hair dry ends
10.) Small skin wounds
11.) Skin cracks
12.) Tough or rough skin (on feet)
13.) Cold weather
14.) de-FRIZZING hair
15.) Frost bites
16.) Stretch mark prevention during pregnancy
17.) Insect bites
18.) hair conditioner
19.) Healthy skin
20.) Muscle fatigue, aches and tension
21.) For before and after strenuous exercise
22.) Men's hair styling product
23.) Skin allergies such as poison ivy or poison oak
24.) Eczema
25.) Hair follicle damage (hair loss)
26.) Dermatitis

27.) Skin damage from heat (hot grease while cooking, radiation treatment for certain medical problems, etc.)

The most effective shea butter is the UNREFINED...no its doesn't look all snow white & pretty, but if you want it to work at its optimum, then unrefined is the ticket....refining takes out all of the vitamins and yummy properties of the butter, just like with food... The UNREFINED butter can be truly amazing.

You can purchase a 8 ounce jar of unrefined shea butter from me through PAYPAL for $20.00
plus shipping. I happen to purchase mine from a group of women in Africa that use collecting the nuts as their sole method of income to support their children.

Purchase 8OZ Unrefined Shea Butter $20.00 plus $10.95 shipping charge
Click on Buy Now button

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1 comment on "27 Uses for the wonderful Shea Butter"
  1. Hi Dakota,

    I was wondering if you could tell me what is the brand of Shea Butter you use? I ordered some off the internet and now I'm not sure it's the right stuff! Thank you for your time and I love your website!



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