We all have them
We all have annoying tones in our hair.
I can ask any person what tone in their hair bothers them....or ''what tone would like like to eliminate" . . . and every single person will give me an answer. Some may think about it a minute or two...but everyone has a DURP.
The Term for those Tones ..........DURP - Dominant Underlying Remaining Pigment
The Term for those Tones ..........DURP - Dominant Underlying Remaining Pigment
For the majority of people I speak to that tone is : BRASS or Yellows !
Then : Golds
Then : Blorange
Then : Orange Tones. . . .Red Tones. . . .Green Tones. . . you get the idea - right?
What is your DURP?
You need to know this in order to come up with your hair color formula.
When all of your orders go out , I can tell by what you have order that you are not taking your DURP into consideration. I really want you all to have the correct hair color formula when purchasing our color. So lets, study DURP a little today and see if I can help you
understand exactly how it plays into coming up with your hair color formula.
BLORANGE - DURP....can you see it? |
So.......to begin with.............Choose your DURP
Read each word so it makes a little more sense to you:
- DOMINANT............the strongest
- UNDERLYING.......beneath surface
- REMAINING..........what's left
- PIGMENT...............color
Pigment..........................and that is whatever the annoying tone that your hair pulls
or which yucky TONE sticks out from your hair that annoys you
95% of people have one
BUT, some people's DURP is 80% annoying and hard to get rid of
approx, 20% of peoples' hair is about 20% annoying and super easy to get rid of
5% of peoples' hair has ZERO DURP..............and that is not very many.
so, the majority of you have an annoying DURP.............
one of you has a different degree of annoying qualities in your hair
THAT is your DURP
Some people have 2 DURPS and those are always right next to each other....for example, if Brass is your DURP, then about 1/2 of the time .... some of you will also have Gold as your DURP.
But, again....there is always one main annoying color (DURP) every one of you have. So now that you have that in mind. The next step is to understand that Permanent hair color (which is what we are reviewing in this post) includes both subtraction(-) of natural pigment and DEPOSIT of artificial pigment in one chemical process. If you think about it ......... it truly is an amazing little process. I mean ..... to specifically only take out ... the hair color you were born with, and to then (in the EXACT same process) DEPOSIT the hair color you need.
As soon as hair color is applied to virgin hair, warmth will be released.... because in order to change the color, you must lighten it first, then (again) the new color is deposited INTO the hair.
When lightening hair the first color to leave is BLUE therefore leaving the red & yellow tones to be left and so predominate and annoying.
Now, remember....every persons hair strands are made of the same 3 colors.
Different combinations of those 3 colors create Brown,blonde,black and Red hair ! I know that sounds crazy, but scientifically that is how it works. Which is why Red, Yellow & Blue are called PRIMARY colors. Without those 3 colors our hair would be colorless and it would look like we were from another planet.
The very hardest stage or Level to get past is Level 7 !
Ta-Da . . . which is why Brass is the most difficult DURP to get rid of. Its like the Berlin Wall . . . its just so hard to get rid of !!
For all of you who lighten your hair platinum, where does your hair get stuck first and for the longest? The brass/Blorange stage, right? So getting it past that is the Goal.... It is why half of America is walking around with BLORANGE hair.
For all of you who lighten your hair platinum, where does your hair get stuck first and for the longest? The brass/Blorange stage, right? So getting it past that is the Goal.... It is why half of America is walking around with BLORANGE hair.
People think that toners will solve the Blorange problem, when in fact you must - MUST - MUST , lighten the hair one more Level in order to get rid of gold/blorange Stage.
Use this ladder to distinguish between different colors . . .
At each Step you would see the following colors emerge . . .
DURP is the amount of Natural Pigment remaining in the hair at your target level
one of you has a different degree of annoying qualities in your hair
and now a days there is a solution to just about any issue any one of you have - - - all the answers are in this Blog.
many of you ask me questions about DURP ( you don't call it that - but
you DO ask....." How do I GET "THIS" annoying color OUT OF MY HAIR OR
"that" ANNOYING color tone ?
So, how to get rid of the DURP that is showing? Now that you know its name lets talk about how you would create your formula, to color your hair and eliminate all of these annoying tones.
Its so much easier than you think
Its so much easier than you think
So, lets use the Color Wheel..............( we have them to use for reference if you'd like one.)
it is Red..............what you do is..................put your finger
on RED on the COLOR
WHEEL...........move it straight ACROSS the wheel, you are then on "GREEN"..........
WHEEL...........move it straight ACROSS the wheel, you are then on "GREEN"..........
what you want in that case is a Green based BOOST & BURST color -
most people use H.Ash Brown if you are a Brunette............, or check your Wella color chart.....
If you have brass in your hair and want a good formula to get rid of it.
Just add a Violet based color inot your formula.
A magnificent color in Koleston Perfect is the "MATT" line OR the line that ends in a "2". For example : 7/2 , 6/2, 8/2 . . . what is MATT? It is BLUE/VIOLET Base color.
Blue Violet cancels which colors? Yellow/Brass, & blorange.
So many of you miss that amazing Tonal line. Not one other company even covers a Blue based tonal line.
I know it sounds weird, but when you get it right it is amazing.
If you have brass in your hair and want a good formula to get rid of it.
Just add a Violet based color inot your formula.
A magnificent color in Koleston Perfect is the "MATT" line OR the line that ends in a "2". For example : 7/2 , 6/2, 8/2 . . . what is MATT? It is BLUE/VIOLET Base color.
Blue Violet cancels which colors? Yellow/Brass, & blorange.
So many of you miss that amazing Tonal line. Not one other company even covers a Blue based tonal line.
Which is why there is so much Blorange hair walking around ! !
If the DURP is Brass, draw your finger across the color wheel to VIOLET......Violet toned hair color and Violet Toned TONERS all cancel out the annoying DURP that no one wants.I know it sounds weird, but when you get it right it is amazing.
your DURP is Orange-yellow........FOLLOW YOUR FINGER ACROSS THE
WHEEL............Then use a Violet-Blue Based BOOST & BURST....
(Violet-Pilot is wonderful ) ! ! Or a Violet/ Blue Based Hair color
In hair color all the colors and the color wheel are super useful
The idea is to get your hair color in the MIDDLE of the color wheel.
The idea is to get to the middle or the center of the wheel.
important to figure out if its Red....Orange ......Gold........OR
Yellow that bugs you .....it is ALWAYS mainly ONE color that is YOUR
D.U.R.P ......it
stands for:
Pigment..........................and that is whatever the annoying tone that your hair pulls
or which yucky TONE sticks out from your hair that annoys you
95% of people have one
BUT, some people's DURP is 80% annoying and hard to get rid of
approx, 20% of peoples' hair is about 20% annoying and super easy to get rid of
5% of peoples' hair has ZERO DURP..............and that is not very many.
so, the majority of you have an annoying DURP.............
one of you has a different degree of annoying qualities in your hair
many of you ask me questions about DURP ( you don't cal it that - but
"that" ANNOYING COLOR?????????????
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