December 26, 2015

" Dear God...Let This Color Turn Out Right.....!!! "

That is a very common phrase I used to hear once I graduated out of the Academy and into
the Salon Arena I chose a Specific Salon because I wanted to be in a certain area where I knew they would appreciate my talent and education. What I didn't know was that there would be so many colorists who had absolutely NO idea what the outcome of their work would be. I had no idea the majority of hair school taught the applicants was just enough to pass their State Board Test and didn't give a rat's ass about whether or not they learned the art of color or NOT.

It was just so sad to hear . . . . . . .  so when you have a lousy color job it really isn't the Colorists fault, they didn't know any better when they signed up for their hair school. They thought that money they paid would teach them how to color and cut hair....not knowing that 90% of schools just want that admission check and don't care about the reputation of their graduates. 

There is a new trend though, which I find very encouraging.....and it involves new hair companies opening Hair School Academies trying to go into business against Vidal Sassoon Academy......which -- from a business stand point, is a very brilliant move. Competition is good for business. Just like when I started Killerstrands, for the first couple years I was the only one doing this. I didn't really know what I was doing at the beginning and everything I did ........I kind of made it up... until individuals began to look at what I was doing and began to copy me, which created "competition" for me+ my business which in turn drove my prices down. As much as I don't like it, competition is good for business AND for customers in order to be in a lower price bracket for the customer.

 I am willing to bet that is what is happening with Vidal Sassoon + John Paul Mitchell Schools + Aveda Schools + Tony & Guy Academies, now having competition they drive the pricing downward and make it more reasonable for everyone to be able to go to the "BEST" Hair School in the world. Which makes it a more 'even' playing field.

Even though I attended the best hair school in the world I will tell you honestly that I have done a lot of praying  to the "Hair Gods Above" as I call it....every now and then . Hair Coloring is NOT 100%, no matter where you went to school or who you apprenticed under, there are just too many variables in each and every person's hair. You know how the talk lately is about DNA and the GENOME platform each and everyone of us has, well all of those 'VARIOUS' factors ALSO affect the hair coloring factors of each and every person's hair. So there just can never be 1 rule that will work on each and every person in regards to hair color. The variables and DNA are simply to vast and too massive ! Granted I can get it right 90-95% of the time, but there is still that 5-10% of the time, that is not correct. Doctors only get it right 80-85% of the time and people think that is amazing ! !


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