December 6, 2015

BOOST & BURST Ride again . . . To The Silver Skies Above ! A Customer Shares Remarkeable Results

One of the Best ways everyone can help us out is by one of 2 ways....either send us your photos results like this lovely lady has 
by sharing the web address of our Blog/Store with as many people as you can. It really makes my day when we have someone help out in this way!

Now this woman began reading the Blog when she had jet black hair done with boxed hair color !

So the entire transformation was done by her own hands and to me I can see the pride she takes in her results by the notes we get from her  . . . and THAT is the goal of Killerstrands and myself.

Educating the masses in how to care & color for your hair in the professional manner. In other words .......... celebrities always have gorgeous hair 
why can't we?  
The reason up until I hit the Internet 9 years ago was the lack of education and access to quality products.

 Now you have both.....PLEASE..................


Silver Bullet............look at how metallic that appears!
Violet Pilot !

Plus she lives in Canada - now that is dedication!

Thank You always everyone for your support

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