September 10, 2007

On Your Questions To Me....

Lots 'n Lots of questions.....

Can I ask you all ...a few things....I am more than happy to answer your questions...but I do ask a couple things... Please read through the basics...I am trying to teach this and it takes a long long time for much of this. Read the Levels and whatever I have posted about your particular issues.

On your opening email, please post these 7 answers first:

1) what Level & tone IS your hair?
2) what Level & tone do you DESIRE?
3) What Level & tone of color do you have on your hair now? is it virgin?
4) Length of Hair?
5) Thickness ?
6) Texture?straight, wiry, curly, kinky etc..
7) Porosity? how easy does it take color?
Please Open with the Answers to helps me like you cannot believe and its why I taught it. For me to give answers WITHOUT the advantage of touching and seeing your hair is not easy...think about that. 1/2 of the analysis is in the touch/feel of the hair. So I am working handicapped, I must at least have these answers and will send you to this post, if you have not given them to me.

These answers are time consuming...... help you

Thank You,


Killer Chemist

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