Did I just speak another language and lose you?
I hope not!
Wella's Illumina line has come out with an almost perfect color. One of the biggest problems brunettes have is fighting off the Blorange/Gold tones..........so Illumina is capitalizing on the success of the MATT series and has introduced a MATT color to the Illumina Line, for which I say BRAVO to ! MATT colors are Blue-based which means.................
if you look at a color wheel:
How do you get rid of an annoying color in hair color?
Remember, you find the color you are trying to get rid of....lets just says it is Blorange (very common in brunettes) ....put your finger on Orange on the Color Wheel ........Now draw your finger across the Color Wheel ..........Straight across...........what color do you see? Across from orange........is BLUE............therefore you need a Blue Based brown if you are brunette or a blue based toner if you happen to be a blonde.
The level system works that way with all annoying tones in your hair that anyone of you may have so remember that. The opposing color DRRRRAWS out the annoying color and pulls it into that NEUTRAL spot. which is what you want to do with annoying tones.
So introducing this new color was brilliant of them .Here is Illumina 5/02 by Wella and Illumina:
I hope not!
Wella's Illumina line has come out with an almost perfect color. One of the biggest problems brunettes have is fighting off the Blorange/Gold tones..........so Illumina is capitalizing on the success of the MATT series and has introduced a MATT color to the Illumina Line, for which I say BRAVO to ! MATT colors are Blue-based which means.................
if you look at a color wheel:

Remember, you find the color you are trying to get rid of....lets just says it is Blorange (very common in brunettes) ....put your finger on Orange on the Color Wheel ........Now draw your finger across the Color Wheel ..........Straight across...........what color do you see? Across from orange........is BLUE............therefore you need a Blue Based brown if you are brunette or a blue based toner if you happen to be a blonde.
The level system works that way with all annoying tones in your hair that anyone of you may have so remember that. The opposing color DRRRRAWS out the annoying color and pulls it into that NEUTRAL spot. which is what you want to do with annoying tones.
So introducing this new color was brilliant of them .Here is Illumina 5/02 by Wella and Illumina:
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