Your hair is still falling out? Oh noooo...
I'd assumed that problem resolved when you washed the stress of “man’s name” out of your hair.
Might I urge you take a look at the information at this link:
And also:
I have become a huge devotee of this woman! I have read, no - studied, every word of her blog - more than four years of filet-mignon-quality information. She’s an extraordinary expert on hair - passionate, invested, knowledgeable, and, at this point, a breath-takingly generous educator. She was trained in Santa Monica,California -- at the famous Vidal Sassoon Academy, developed and maintained a prestigious and loyal Malibu clientele, and honed an exceptional reputation as a colourist... and then, apparently, became gravely ill. Because of the severity of her illness, she does not practice her craft in the salon, anymore. Instead, four or five (?) years ago, she began the work of transferring her considerable expertise --about everything related to having healthy, beautiful hair --to the consumer/end user. She feels there are too few adequately trained stylists/colourists out there -- especially colorists; she decided she would educate the end-users -- the ones who care about their OWN hair and are invested in becoming their own experts. For the first couple of years, it appears to me, she wrote the blog and, in response to individual requests from readers, began to share with them (“underground”) her professional, salon-quality hair care products, because she wanted them to have the best available products rather than the substandard stuff. She continues to make exceptional (otherwise not accessible to the average “lay-person”) products available to her readers, but she appears to be less stealth about it now.
It was her own illness, as I understand it, that prompted her to delve even more deeply into the problem of female hair loss, and to become an expert in, and an advocate for, the “best practices” for its treatment and prevention.
She has also developed a couple of her own products and sells them; she uses the highest quality oils and all-natural ingredients. Apparently, she first developed them for, and used them on, her Malibu clientele, and as a result, generated a bit of a following for those products. Over the years, she has continued to refine and improve upon these products, and she makes them widely available through her e-store; the following has now become a full-fledged cult!
I use three (at least) of her products on a daily, or near-daily, basis; they are luxurious (!), and way cheaper than you could buy a substandard (in my opinion) “equivalent” at, say, Whole Foods or Planet Organic. Most people love "Gleam," which is a dry oil. I use it daily on my skin, and most people seem to use it at least daily, even multiple times per day, on their hair (for which it was designed), but I only use it on my hair on the weekends, because it has the uncommon effect of leaving my hair looking very oily. (I’m sure it would not have that effect upon your hair; nobody else seems to report that problem. But my hair is, apparently, layered in Teflon, so nothing soaks in!) My personal hair care favourite is her, "Thriven," which is more creamy/gooey in its consistency; I apply as a leave-on conditioner/protectant, every day. I hope I am never again without it.
I purchase ALL of my hair care paraphernalia from her store. Everything. Even with the international shipping costs, it’s so worth it.
I believe you will find some magic, in her guidance, to help you get control over your [traumatizing] hair loss. Next time I see you, I'll try to remember to scoop out a sample of the Thriven and a couple of squirts of the Gleam for you to try. (Remind me!)
M. R. Ph.D. Registered Psychologist
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I cannot remember a more flattering and well written complimentary letter - - it is the most perfect time to post, with the recent horrifying phone call I received. Please see the Group and Store for additional information, Thank You MR, you have been a wonderful
Killer Chemist
I am a thirty year old female suffering from major hair thinning. I really want to try your THRIVEN product...but I can't find anywhere that says if it is safe for pregnant women or women that are thinking about becoming pregnant. That is the only thing keeping me from trying products with Minoxydil. Is your product safe? D.B.