October 24, 2014

New Addition with Every COLOR Purchase in the Killerstrands Store

I just had to have a little medical ER breather give me 2-3 days and I'll be coloring from all cylinders - but am back at it and have a great new free addition to the already complimentary 2 products we give out with every color purchase:

First off we already send 2 plastic medical measuring Cups that look exactly like these:

 They measure in tablespoons, CC's, ML's, Fluid Ounces,Grams & the maximum is 1 ounce. At the beginning of the Blog I reached out to the readers for a small measuring Cup and an ER Nurse responded. The funny part is, I thought I was ordering 1000 and I ordered 1,000,000 !! We still are working on that first batch!!! and may be till 2020 - ha ha! They are in sanitary shrink wrap and kept in the dark to keep the plastic fresh, if plastic can be fresh :(

When you measure by Volume (the cups) versus weight (a scale) -- use just the tiniest little bit less and you'll be perfect, if your a perfectionist like someone else in the vicinity of this Blog !

They are reusable so if you don't want them mention that, or if you want an extra one -- mention that. There is a terrific little "Notes" section at Check-out -- where you can write a little somethin-somethin.....!

Our next lovely freebie is our latex gloves, I never thought of this before.... but if there are enough latex-allergies, I would be happy to supply "whatever-the-other-kind is"! heehee  provided they are not cost prohibitive!..... K?


Now our newest and most useful complimentary tool, which I  know some of you are going to rear those heads of yours and resist.....is the TINT BRUSH. There is a method to the madness behind the tint brush, there truly is....and I've talked about it before as well. 

Hair Color works the best when pressure is applied to the head as the color is applied, its why professional Colorists use tint brushes, we don't fancy ourselves Rembrandt's..........or we are not gluttons for punishment and don't use the bottle because we like to flex our ''professional muscles'' or look cool there is a scientific explanation. A good Colorist presses down on the base/hair as she applies the color to get good....no excellent coverage and gray coverage. The Color gets in deeper in the hair cuticle and also provides a more EVEN color along with additional shine.

Now don't think it is going to just be extraordinarily different, but as you get better with it.... I believe you will start noticing the difference once you master your new Killer Tint Brush.

One last bonus its easier to use on oneself than on another, I can attest from experience now!

Have a Killer Day Everyone

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