I simply want about 50 % of you to use our top quality hair color, to color your hair the "same color" your hair already is. Why? To give the illusion we use on film all the time. Every actor you see has died their hair in the manner in which I am talking about. What it does is fill-in the hair strands and skin on a man's head to give the appearance of thick hair..
EVEN IF YOU HAVE NO GRAY HAIR. Why? Because hair color in the quality we carry at KS works to add the illusion of color density to your hair, it will just color your hair the color it is and make it look as though you have a full head of hair - - when in fact, you may not - you may even have a decent head of hair, but coloring as I am talking about could offer you the ability to get a job or even!
The look, which you may be able to easily accomplish with just the slightest of trouble, will make it look like you have a full head of hair without any of the problems!
I would recommend all men purchase 2 tubes of color at the level of their hair color they are..
I'm terrified of making this too complicated for you.
Men, you have been having to use Boxed Hair Color crap for way too long now and I'm here to announce : I'm here for you ! Back in 2007 I tried to begin a Blog just for you, as you can see loud and clearly at my other blog : www.razerburn.blogspot.com,
but it was just too much, so I want to ask the girls to scoot over and let the men come on in... so we can do it all in the same place - @ the same time....It really does go together. Men, I hope you will come out of hiding as well...although its OK if you do not
So with the addition of quite a few new men customers this past week, I have heard from you loud and clearly that you want 2 things for your color which you are not getting in the boxed kits:
#1: EASY
I invite you to become a CRIB COLORIST right along side the women.
In the next week I will be rolling out a couple different product pages designed specifically for you.
- Mens Hair Color kit + sample oil
- 'Annihilate' (mens buckthorn oil)
- B & B Kit (brow / beard tinting Kit)
Annihilate is formulated with a base of these some of these oils and in varying percentage's . Killerstrands oils are made with a higher quality than any other oil:
Here is a portion of the oils in this formula:
- Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil
- Aloe Vera Extract Oil
- Coconut Oil
- Mixed Tocopherols T50, Natural Vitamin E
- Argan Oil
- Nettle Extract Oil
- Abyssinian Oil
- Calendula Extract Oil
- Horsetail Extract
- ..............PLUS + another additional 11 extracts included in this formula..........THIS IS WHY THIS WORKS!
It's the unique combination of oils that makes Annihilate work so well . . . same with Gleam and all my combinations.

Currently I already have a few. Including the Free consultation with order offer. The difference being - if you have the traditional mens hair and it is not as long as say Kid Rock's is, then you only need to answer the following questions:
- Is hair thick or thin ?
- What % gray do you have overall ?
- Do you have previous color on your hair ?
- For how long have you been applying that color?
- What is brand?
- What LEVEL is your Virgin hair (your own with nothing on it
- What LEVEL is your Color Now?
- What LEVEL do you want it to be?
The thing is, so MANY OF YOU COULD benefit from the Illusion god quality
I would recommend all men purchase 2 tubes of color at the level of their hair.
I'm terrified of making this too complicated for you.
I know you want easy.
The Level is how light or dark.
Level 1/2 is black and then Level 12 is Platinum
Level 1 and 2 are too dark for the human eye to even tell the difference, but is Asian or Indian hair color.
and then submit your answers to the above questions with your order, here: Color with Consultation
Submit those answers with the purchase, there is a little box that holds a lot of info. right as you check out.
When I was forced to end my Salon career nearly 50% of my clientele were men, and in Malibu they were coloring their hair at that time so I thought every man would want to . But as Malibu usually does, it surprises me, and is its own little microcosm in the world! For some reason, Google is not letting me have access to Razerburn ... so I will begin to write here to you. The reason being is there is already so much information on hair health and hair color right here on Killerstrands .... so the women are going to have to scoot over and make room for you.
I will begin writing one Post a week to you here, just to you. The hair color you want to use and the Consulting + hair color we offer is perfect for you. I am going to make up a much shorter list of questions for you to answer. The women have to answer 15 questions............. for you men, when you purchase the Free Consultation with Color, youonly have to answer 7 and I will help you!!!
please come join our Yahoo Group, that way you can ask questions of me, do not worry about not knowing what to do, I have no idea what I am doing in the group either I am constantly dropping messages...its really quite funny you would think I know how to work it. . . but I do not!
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