July 19, 2017

There is Not A Reason In The World to Get Hair Extensions

Why In The World Would Anyone Get Hair Extensions?

I cannot tell you the amount of people who email me with sad- sorrow-filled stories of hair loss, hair destruction and permanent root damage.

I cannot think of 1 good reason to wear hair extensions. Everyone that wears them looks exactly the same if you ask me. Please everyone think about the fact that you are pulling on your hair and destroying the root of the hair permanently....and once thats done you will never have hair there again. I see ad after ad trying to draw women in to get them and what happens is they get you and then you're almost addicted for a few years and then the horrific damage starts and its too late to help yourself even.

 It is a well known fact that hair extensions can do damage to your natural hair. The glue-tape-laserered, fish line, or one of the many many methods they come up with that is attached to your natural hair can burn and split the ends of your hair and damage it permanently.. This means that you will almost always be required to have the ends of your hair cut after the extensions are removed.

Also, if a lot of long or heavy extensions are added, this applies additional pressure to your scalp. One of the dangers of extra pressure to your scalp can be a thinning of your natural hair. In some cases there have been reports of headaches from the added weight of the hair or allergies to the bonding glue that is used.

Everyone is different and will react to hair extensions in a different way. It depends on a number of factors that you have to consider.

Treasure the hair you have..... try the THRIVEN + Secret Supplement combo -     which has worked for all the women out in Malibu who tried the exttesions 10 years ago when they first came out and couple years later suffered the hair loss problem. It worked for over half of them and that is a pretty good number  . . . .and if that doesn't work - I would definitely invest in one of the hair lasers that help encourage new hair growth that you can purchase on Hammacher Schlemmer catalog they have a fully guaranteed return after 30 days no questions asked. I have purchased from them for years and have never purchased a bad product. And finally if that doesn't work be sure to have a dermatologist check you out and then text or call the store I will try to further help you !

 Join Our Facebook Group that I just re-started and is going to be very helpful once I finish designing and added all the info this website demands it truly is crazy...I had no idea FACEBOOK is as vast as it is.... 
So we will be using that along with Pinterest
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