In Order To Achieve This Beautiful Shade of Pink or Powder Blue or Violet or any of the beautiful pastels there are in the world of hair coloring Crazy Colors there is one gigantic secret that I have not released.
And while there are still many secrets I possess this one seems so very 'LOGICAL' to me
I am surprised many of you have not figured it out.
While perusing the Internet lately I came across a Video tutorial of "how to use our Oil Bleach Kit". You know ..... one of those that show you from the minute you get the package.... to applying it on the hair.
Atrocious...............not her and not her attempt
the Outcome - I mean..............
my God I would hope some of you would not attribute that result to my Beloved OIL BLEACH KIT
This is a very short & Sweet Tutorial to help you prevent that vivid recollection
You remove old hair color and then you get to bleaching.
You only bleach the lengths FIRST...........
and you bleach them to VERY - VERY - VERY LIGHT , no one will be... 1 bleaching .
Plus, about only 10% of you will be 2 complete bleachings.
2 Bleaching's means you apply the product to the lengths of the hair completely -- let it process for 65 minutes, rinse, apply INTENSIVE, rinse and dry.
Then apply the 3rd time to the Base ( roots)
Then the majority of you are 3-4-5 complete bleachings with the last one being the base.
Remember, the base comes up very quickly with the heat of the body -- warming up -- the oil bleach -- which makes for fast lifting.
Level 1-2-3 will be 4-5-6 bleachings even
So many of you at a Level 7 will be 3-4 bleaching's. If you have coarse hair, or virgin hair you will be 4-5 bleaching's. Going platinum is why and where (no joke) the term "HIGH MAINTENANCE", came from.
MULTIPLE BLEACHINGS is the trick to achieving Platinum.
The trick is applying INTENSIVE when finished and knowing when to stop !
While that video tutorial was cute and flattering the outcome was horrifying and I do not want anyone to think that is how it comes out, because it does NOT!
When applied the correct amount of times, and finished off with INTENSIVE -- I REPEAT -- the result is the above photo and every single platinum hair photo in this Blog!
Happy New Year
And while there are still many secrets I possess this one seems so very 'LOGICAL' to me
I am surprised many of you have not figured it out.
While perusing the Internet lately I came across a Video tutorial of "how to use our Oil Bleach Kit". You know ..... one of those that show you from the minute you get the package.... to applying it on the hair.
Atrocious...............not her and not her attempt
the Outcome - I mean..............
my God I would hope some of you would not attribute that result to my Beloved OIL BLEACH KIT
This is a very short & Sweet Tutorial to help you prevent that vivid recollection
You remove old hair color and then you get to bleaching.
You only bleach the lengths FIRST...........
and you bleach them to VERY - VERY - VERY LIGHT , no one will be... 1 bleaching .
Plus, about only 10% of you will be 2 complete bleachings.
2 Bleaching's means you apply the product to the lengths of the hair completely -- let it process for 65 minutes, rinse, apply INTENSIVE, rinse and dry.
Then apply the 3rd time to the Base ( roots)
Then the majority of you are 3-4-5 complete bleachings with the last one being the base.
Remember, the base comes up very quickly with the heat of the body -- warming up -- the oil bleach -- which makes for fast lifting.
Level 1-2-3 will be 4-5-6 bleachings even
So many of you at a Level 7 will be 3-4 bleaching's. If you have coarse hair, or virgin hair you will be 4-5 bleaching's. Going platinum is why and where (no joke) the term "HIGH MAINTENANCE", came from.
MULTIPLE BLEACHINGS is the trick to achieving Platinum.
The trick is applying INTENSIVE when finished and knowing when to stop !
While that video tutorial was cute and flattering the outcome was horrifying and I do not want anyone to think that is how it comes out, because it does NOT!
When applied the correct amount of times, and finished off with INTENSIVE -- I REPEAT -- the result is the above photo and every single platinum hair photo in this Blog!
Happy New Year