November 28, 2014

Most Common Cause of Hair Loss In Women

The most common cause of hair loss in women is “androgenetic alopecia” which basically means Female Pattern Hair Loss. FPHL basically boils down to the women’s version of: aging-hormones & genetics affecting hair loss. It has been fairly well established that the science of hair loss between the sexes is completely different.  Not only does male pattern baldness reveal differently, scientists...
November 8, 2014

B is for BURST & BOOST Your Way to Brass-free & Blorange-free Hair

B is for BURST & BOOST Color Depositing Shampoos & Conditioners are the latest /hottest trend in hair & hair color categories.  They have been around for decades and began in Great Britain where most of the best/brightest trends in hair & hair color originate. But a fact that many of you may not know is that a good Colorist has been offering these all along to their 'jet set'...
November 3, 2014

A is for Autumn Hair - the Road to Health and The Newest Trend to Knock 'Ombre' out of the Hairwaves!

"A" is for Autumn Hair ...... working on making it become healthy by Xmas and the newest  trend to overtake the Ombre color trend ( and I LOVE it!) We will be going through the alphabet, just for a silly way to keep me 'on point' about writing consistent Posts for you this month. Lots of different facets go into this operation and sometimes The Blog is the last to get attention and I don't...

