June 20, 2010

Thriven Deep Conditioner + Compliments


May: More Thriven Arrives on your door-step while compliments of KillerStrands surprize


Always remember your roots, where you came from and who you are. As much as I concentrate on hair color education for many of you, I never want to forget our roots and how Killer Strands Hair Clinic began. On teaching you how to acquire:
with my ace training at Vidal Sassoon Academy (while still privately owned; btw) – it was drilled into my brain and I concur – nothing is as important as Healthy – Shiny – Strong Hair……….NOTHING. Not one thing should be applied to the hair that will destroy its integrity, shine & growth. There is such a huge gap between what the public knows in how to create shiny strong hair and actual “fact”. . . it was the original reason for writing this BLOG…for giving “YOU” the public the knowledge that I possess, that many Sassoon educators know. 
10,000 Heads began 15 years ago with 3 Steps. It (obviously) was not called 10,000 HEADS (the amount of heads-of-hair, I had worked on at one point in my career), but the theory and bascis are the same. Do whatever is necessary to contribute to healthy hair. Hair Color need not be detrimental, quite the opposite as a matter of fact {begin reading the Blog from the beginning}, yes it will take a little work. There are very few rewarding things in life that don’t take ‘ a-little-work!’. The number 1 recommendation I give people “NEW” to Killer Strands {begin reading the Blog from the beginning}.  
When I reviewed the stats for May, I saw that THRIVEN had risen to the top of all 350 products we carry as the NUMBER 1 product sold. I don’t know ‘why’ it surprises me, its what we began with.
I sold THRIVEN in my Malibu Salon for $94.50, 8 years ago – and could never keep it in stock. Its a full day experience for me to put the concoction together, with the amount of it we sell now, I don’t know how much longer I can continue to do it myself. If you have not experienced THRIVEN, I will encourage you to give it AND the SECRET SUPPLEMENT a 90 day spin. (information on ‘where to purchase’ and how to incorporate into your life are enclosed w/ package). Remember, I have an 80-88% success rate with THRIVEN + Secret Supplement. There are 14 Steps to 10,000HEADS, we ask you incorporate the last 7 into your life and do your best on the first 7….the more you practice the better the improvement in your hairs health, strength and shine. Promise.10,000 heads - 14 STEPS - 12-20-09 - 3
Remember though, I am a rarity…I still have not heard of a single person (if you are out there – let me know!) that has training in all the different aspects of hair care that I do. Add to that my naturally inquisitive attitude, and you get what the members lovingly call me “ KC  - - or Killer Chemist”.badasshair247
Being the CHO (Chief Hair Officer) of Killer Strands Hair Clinic ; it puts me in a wonderful spot … I receive numerous compliments a week ( some are ‘due’ my Forum Staff, some my shipping/packing staff) the remainder are for me. I cannot stress how much these compliments mean to me, they give me the strength to keep going . . . they bring an indescribable warmth to my heart … they just truthfully MAKE - -  MY - - Day. I don’t want any of you to think I take your compliments lightly….EVER. EVERY single one means the world to me.
I used to THANK every single person, now I simply, do not have the time. Please know I appreciate every single one….I mean it,
one !
This week brought a compliment from the exact category of individuals I was sure would never send me one.         Hair Stylists/ Hair Educators.Bombshell hair124
I just had to share it with you
If you are a qualified and talented hair stylist/colorist the last thing you worry about are ‘other’ stylists.
Why should you?
Your book is so full of appointments there are waiting lists of people who want you to do their hair….there really isn’t any room for more clients. 40% of KillerStrands membership are licensed Hair Stylists (Yep!) looking for additional education, normally from smaller states – where it is not available. I commend these people for having the confidence and security to understand that what KillerStrands is doing is not against the hair industry and their business but rather “FOR” it.     
I would like you to read the following complimentary email I received from a new member:
“ ………….10:23 AM (23 hours ago)
Just by chance I found your blog.  Seems I am always searching for honest education.  I am a stylist of twenty-five years and I am still trying to sort fact from fiction!  I grew weary, in the early part of my career, with education from "professional" companies using education as a vehicle to sell and market their products.  Thus began my quest for education without sponsorship from any brand.  I think the first great information I found was a book by Tom Sollock, then I found Beth Minardi and traveled to NYC to take her class, then there was Roy Peters and Tom Despenza.  I wish I had known you at that point.  I have spent thousands of dollars and bought many books and the things I have learned thus far are in your two year blog, better said and more easily understood.
I am also a cosmetology instructor. I work when needed, substituting, color classes, cutting classes, for a Jr. College.  Your knowledge and skill of communicating in book form would be a great contribution to the cosmetology profession. It would have the potential of making the profession, professional.
I have ordered several of your products and found everything you have said to be true.  Thank you for this great resource of information and products.
Diana S.
I realize the web has changed a lot in the past few years. There is so much BS - - - so much ‘mis’ information…you don’t know what to believe in. There was a 2-3 year period - - when the info on the Web was accurate – it ‘was’ educational, you could rely on it.
With Diana’s note, I feel she “summed” Killer Strands up - - better than I.   Thanks Diana. . . and to ALL that send us compliments, it means the world to me and inspires me to continue on
Happy Fathers Day, Dad . . .  and to all the Fathers out there
Killer Chemist

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