June 14, 2010

I Scream …You Scream… We All Scream For Ice Cream Hair Color Palette

Krazy Kolors Go Pastel

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Yes the style’s are over-the-top . . . but check-out the beauty and what can be done with hair in 2010. The top Hair Stylist in the world right now is a gentleman named Eugene Soulemain and although most of have never heard of him - he is the Vidal Sassoon of 2010 – this is his work.
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Its not everyone’s taste, not even mine. . . BUT, sometimes you just have to admire the complexity that it took to make these colors AND styles happen. In the top echelons of hair there have always been these extremists, extreme texture, extreme color, extreme haircuts. Makes the observer wonder, “who in the world would ever wear this ?? “ To that, I respond….not many..in fact pretty much no one. The point is to push the boundaries of what can be done, so that the extreme nature of these ‘do’s – are then re-interpreted for film and other ventures. Think Avatar, Music Videos, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Video Games, etc.
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A Salute to the Vampire hotness of today, am a huge True Blood Fan….I’d love to see this on the show.
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This looks like Lady Gaga
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   hmmmmmmm ? ? ? ? ?
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Check out the insane make-up job on all of them, I mean as weird and crazy as it is…what else would look good with that type of hair…it looks very cool Crown n Glory295
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I think it was last week , but one of you  wrote in the Group ( I think it was ) that you really wanted to have the color of this certain flower….at the time, I responded with : “while the color of the flower was drop dead…I wasn’t too sure it would look very good on the hair.
I am now here to admit, I was COMPLETELY WRONG. . .  COMPLETELY… Check this out . . . . .
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I would love to have someone take this on right now. . . its bold but it is….. B E A U T I F U L….{the hardest part is finding a person daring enough to do the wild and crazy color work ..I so enjoy doing}
so, whomever  that was….I’m impressed with your “eye for color” – obviously it is leaps and bounds ahead of my own.
Summer is here,
do something fun with your hair  - - You only live once, and hair is more resilient  than you think
Killer Chemist

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