May 29, 2016

Hair Color, You Can't Live Without it ! ROSE-GOLD, The Hair-Color Everyone Wants

Schwarzkopf, one of our other lines of colors that I have used as long as Wella does have some of the best "permanent" hair color ROSE colors, which is not an easy color to make. I can just picture all the Cosmetic chemists, working 24-7, trying to fill the request from the top Brass............Where is the Rose Gold Hair color and if they are not asking for it then it is my opinion that they should all be fired.

Check this out............. all done by Schwarzkopf Igora Royal colors:

Its not that hard. 

Use Color Theory Boys & Girls   

You already make Red/Violet....................oh............whoops you thought it needed to be Red...........NOPE...... Red-Violet..

I suggest you purchase our Angel Rose BOOST & BURST and then you will have the magic answer to Angel Rose the color that about 90% of all women would like to be right now. Take a teeny-tiny bit of Red-Violet and mix it with WHITE.......

White you say, why white? White Plus Red-Violet EQUALS =
In Koleston Perfect.................9/16 is the perfect WHITE.............then add 2 grams of Red-Violet 6/45 to 60  grams of White 9/16 ....or 9/17..............if you do that internally you can make a rose hair color......I've been waiting a very long time and now I am getting 
pretty fed up with all of you Cosmetic Chemists that follow me.

You think I don't know -- but I do.

I've been doing this longer than you have been doing chemistry! Some of you !

But anyway I found some new photos I was going to use them in an email but I'm tooo damn tired to make one....

So here you go


Be Creative with BOOST and BURST there are lots of clever things to try..............

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