February 15, 2016

200-WATT KIT Finds Its Momentum & Has Crib Colorists Raving

Many years ago KC was completely frustrated in the fact that she could never find a conditioner that actually worked. They say they'll work - they spout all this BS language that makes you think you better try this one or that brand. Finally after spending from $5.00 to $500.00 ( yes there is a $500.00 hair conditioner) and never being even closely satisfied and being diagnosed, she decided to study Cosmetic chemistry on the web to keep her mind busy. So she could possibly figure out HOW & why these products work --- and then maybe figure out WHY they don't work. Hell, our scientists can fly to the Moon and back, but they can't even condition & de-tangle our hair,  she just did not get it ! 

So what began as a one month project - - turned into 2 years of deep intense study and camaraderie with a small unique set of people in the early days of the Internet and a fantastic Chemist, who actually developed what we all know as MASCARA for MAX FACTOR many years prior ! !  He was open and willing to teach us all anything and everything he knew, which was one of my earliest mentors & models for how I was going to run my Blog.  In the Hair Industry you are taught to keep your knowledge and tricks in hair color formulating -- TO - . . . .  YOUR  - SELF !!!! That was your bread & Butter and you should NOT give it away ! ! ! 

But, the more she watched Maurice teach and educate this small group of dedicated people through his BLOG.......the more she learned there really was more fun and more knowledge learned when everyone OPENED UP - SHARED WHAT THEY KNEW. . . or didn't know (tricks + education AND ALLL!  !) and talked to each other. That was when she decided to & to just "GIVE BACK TO EVERYONE SHE NEVER KNEW AND NEVER WOULD KNOW -- Just for the HELL OF IT. 

NO, its not solving Cancer

but its what SHE KNEW and it whats a lot of people on earth struggle with and are very consumed with.................SOOOOOOOOO  -  she could Teach. .....and plenty of people needed the Education.  That is how her pride and joy conditioners:
  • THRIVEN - DEEP Overnight Conditioner - Sleep in it  !
  • INTENSIVE - pH & porosity equalizers - soothes scalp an all around miracle
  • GLEAM - A bottle full of the richest most vitamin-mineral& amino acid packed bottle of OILS that exists on planet earth.Price any product with the same ingredients....???? Its well over $200.00 for an even smaller bottle than her 2 ounce !
  • THRIVEN-Lite - Truly a secret weapon, works excellent as a daily conditioner, solves frizz, hair loss (read the reviews)+ pH neutralizer - truly an ALL-IN-ONE-MAGICAL SOLUTION to Jacked-up hair!

Make Sure Your Hair is ON POINT

                      Check-out Our Top 2 
                            Made For You 
                               incl. Secret Supplement
 Happy To Hear . . . . 
                 join the Crib Colorist Militia

#1. Educate
#2. Educate
#3. Educate................oh and Condition !

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