July 3, 2015

BOOST & BURST - Killerstrands Own Color Enhanced Shampoos & Conditioners

 I now want to talk about our new Best Selling products - Boost & Burst.

I received this awesome email today and couldn't be more pleased, I just feel that it will help to explain Boost & Burst to you - a helluva lot better than I can !

Dear Killerstrands & KC,
I absolutely love Boost and Burst. I recently went silver after twenty years of  coloring my hair various shades of red. For the previous few months I had been sporting an intense red color with a bodacious swoosh of yellow in the bangs area. My colorist did an amazing job of gently removing the coloring and lightening/toning, then lightening/toning and so on until it was time for the final toning. It looked amazing except that the bodacious yellow (an Aveda color) would not completely disappear. So - think gorgeous silver hair with a funky yellowish bangs swoosh. She toned it nicely at first with a charcoal-ish low light, but as that slowly faded I was back to the weird yellowish thing where my bangs are.

 I bought Boost and Burst in silver bullet and did the extended time/dryer thing with just the funky yellow bangs area and it worked!! Just for giggles, I bought Violet Pilot and am having a total blast changing up the hue and intensity of my haircolor every week. I would love to play with more colors but I can't seem to get a drop down menu on your Burst and Boost page on your website. The only like to purchase anything on that page is to purchase a hairdryer. Please let me know how to get to a menu for those products that I can click on and order, as I am having more fun with your Burst and Boost products than I have with anything else in years. 

The plus of all of this is that I am no longer tethered to the professional colorist's chair every 21 days. Somehow, at my "big decision" appointment, she managed to intuit (ok I did let it grow out a bit and looked like a red skunk when I went in) what my natural gray looked like and masterfully achieved it. I have not seen a root in 2 months and a whole new area of adventure has opened up to me using your tinted shampoos and conditioners. Please let me know how to easily order more--you see, in addition to having a blast with your cooler toned colors, I still have a huge redhead wardrobe and would like to play with some of your warmer tones.  Thank you for being the fabulous innovator that you are. You have made many people very happy--I have many girlfriends who have asked for the link to your site after seeing my hair.

K.K  July 3, 2015

( p.s. I explained in detail how to purchase all the various colors and if anyone else has this problem please always - always speak- up! ). . . .KC




  BURST & BOOST are on one page for convenience

Please notice that the top half of the choices on the page are 'BOOST' the shampoo & on the bottom half are 'BURST' the COLORED conditioner. These products are of PROFESSIONAL GRADE and are unlike anything you have ever tried in the past....... there is a unique pigment that KC has found in her travels throughout the cosmetic chemist industry. 
 If you are looking for the one with the most, its BURST - the conditioner. BURST can truly be used to cover up grays' in your new growth for all you Brunette's and Redheads!........when purchasing you receive 'one' when you place one in your cart..... The shampoo is color safe + SULFATE FREE Shampoo and Conditioner is made for color treated hair as well.

Boost & BURST can be used for many reasons, the Top 5 reasons they are flying off the shelves :
  1. Have You seen the "new" Rose-Gold Blonde Look everyone is clamoring for?.....Well
    Rose-Angel can create the look without having to even get your hair colored! You can play around with how dark or light you want it by how long you leave Boost & BURST on, then when you want it removed......just stop using them and use regular shampoo.........yep its that simple to take them out!
  2. Making some of the many beautiful Pastel hair colors that are so popular - by washing with BOOST & then applying BURST and leaving in for 2-5-10 minutes depending completely on the look you desire. They have LOTS of pigment in them, so they are professional grade and this is how the pro's create the pastel that have been in affect for 20 years!
  3. Breaking Bad BLUE is very popular for 2 completely different reasons....1) fights BLORANGE in brown or blonde hair....its always good to conquer the reason for the Blorange ( lightener has not been left on long enough or a too weak blonding product used for the darkness of hair), Remember the color opposing the the tone you want to eliminate is your goal. Blorange....so opposite orange is BLUE on the Color Wheel - therefore blue tinted products are excellent for eliminating that tonal category.
  4. Silver Bullet is our # 1 Seller for many reasons.....YES it will tint Level 10-12 Blonde's = Silver. So you can achieve the new fashionable silver haired look and keep up the color fresh and new. For those of you with Silver hair ........you can really make it look true-shiny & silvery by using both Boost & BURST in Silver Bullet !
  5. Killer Copper can be used as a filler ......if you are moving from a Blonde to a brunette or redhead. I'm sure you have heard the term "filler", I receive many calls asking about that product and process, well here is your answer in one step. Purchase Killer Copper in BURST, Run the Shampoo Train on your hair for a few times, apply the Malibu Color Correction packet, then apply BURST for 20 - 30 minutes. Rinse lightly - - getting the excess color out. Towel dry, then dry completely. . . Then Apply your Brunette Or Redhead Color, KOPPER returns the warmth of your hair in the hair strands without the use of developer and its very easy to do this way. Filling the hair is ALWAYS a 2 Step process.
Have BLORANGE? We have Breaking Bad Blue Shampoo & Conditioner, 

no longer is it just Violet no longer is it a shampoo only ! Both are 8ounces of Fun!

Change your mind use regular shampoo for a few days...! This is true Semi-Permanent hair color - FINALLY

Do you wish silver hair or rose colored hair purchase BURST the colored conditioner and apply after shampooing, play around with the processing time. They all have a lot of pigment in them, therefore, experiment at first.
FACEBOOK Review: by Summer: .............." I use the beach beige shampoo every day on my platinum hair and it looks awesomely beigey. Takes the yellow tones right out. Get this stuff! It washes out pretty quickly with regular shampoo"

These products are unlike any you have tried in the past..They are what are used for hair shows & photo shoots. KC has been making them custom like this for nearly 20 years.This makes them have more pigment than anything else you've ever tried, which means you need very little. When you first time them both start with a minute or 2 and work your way up....you can use gloves and with BURST we do include 1 pair.

KC prefers not to use gloves so keeps a bottle of kitchen cleaner with Bleach in the formula, squirts a shot of that, a shot of soap in her hands washes them & they are sparkling clean, which is another solution. You will always want the hair wet prior to applying either product & THEY CAN ALWAYS BE REMOVED BY USING THE SHAMPOO TRAIN procedure which you can Google!

Blue conquers those of you with Gold, Orange & Blorange undertones OR the real beauty of this is using it for artistic reasons. Such as you see in the photo on this page.... if you have an ombre as in the photo (the ends are blonde) apply to the ends leave on longer {everyone is different?}
Poof !
You have a blue hint to the blonde/hair........
Here are ways to make it darker:
  • shampoo in - leave on longer
  • leave on with plastic cap, the cap creates heat - the heat helps deposits MORE pigment into the strands
  • Use shampoo & Conditioner
  • Use every time you you shampoo
  • Leave both on longer and use both every time ( be careful- go in small increments- don't worry its easy to get out)
Ways to make it lighter:
  • leave it on less time
  • Only use once a week using other shampoos during week
  • Use lousy crappy Sulfate Shampoo - leave the shampoo on the hair for longer
  • Use one of the Malibu 2000 Color Correction packets - works great !
  • Do NOT use Vanish on this it is not needed nor does it work, Vanish only works on Oxidative hair color


Blue conquers those of you with Gold, Orange & Blorange undertones OR the real beauty of this is using it for artistic reasons. Such as you see in the photo on this page.... if you have an ombre as in the photo (the ends are blonde) apply to the ends leave on longer {everyone is different?}
Poof !
You have a blue hint to the blonde/hair........
Here are ways to make it darker:
  • shampoo in - leave on longer
  • leave on with plastic cap, the cap creates heat - the heat helps deposits MORE pigment into the strands
  • Use shampoo & Conditioner
  • Use every time you you shampoo
  • Leave both on longer and use both every time ( be careful- go in small increments- don't worry its easy to get out)

For Blondes... I encourage you to chose Beige or violet if you are looking for a nice color.

  • Violet - the most common choice, eliminates brass and keeps blondes from dipping back in to the 'brass, yellow or lighter goldspool til your next color. Remember to use a Toner when Coloring. This is for in between coloring or slight imperfections of blondes. Then if your hair is completely Blond you may also leave these on for  10-30 minutes and POOF you will have the new pastel hair color, the biggest thing in the hair color category in: 2015 !  So these can do both remember....... they can tone down those annoying 'undertones' that pop through (DURP) many times a couple weeks after you have colored . These have a deeper color than other tinted shampoos you have used. You control the amount of color deposited by the amount of time you leave the shampoo on, it's that easy!


  1. Oops! Totally my fault ~~ is it possible to remove my comments! Happy 4th!

  2. Just want to thank Killerstrands for sending me the shampoo I ordered.
    I can't wait to try it.


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