May 15, 2015

The SOAP CAP + Your "POST-COLOR Treatment : the Advantages, When Re-Touching Your Color

 I've been asked about Soap Caps for the beginning when the web was new and I was the only one educating the public on professional techniques........ for some odd reason a couple people screwed them up and I felt forever responsible.....when that happens I always delete the Post and make note in my file for Topics : TO NEVER-EVER DISCUSS !
But with all the info out there now, I'm sure someone has hit on that topic a lot of times.... but,    Alas - - - - here is the Sassoon description of how and why to do one.

Lets say you are in our Group and learning how to color your hair the correct way. You have done all my recommendations for your predicament to remove all or most of your old hair color -- prior to beginning your new formula and proper hair color application. Your hair begins to feel light as a feather and most every single person says to me, " wow I didn't realize how junked up my hair was, its starting to feel like normal hair again - it feels so light and soft " ! I cannot tell you how many times I have heard that exact sentiment.... (or a light variation of it for 9 years & hundreds of Consultations).

So now you are ready to re-Color with your new formula.
Once you re-color, you will color all the hair the first time ...meaning all the hair
Then every 5-6 weeks all you will have to do is re-color the base (roots).
You process the roots 60 minutes so at 60 minutes you do a professional trick which refreshes the color on your lengths called the SOAP CAP  - ( a term that I have always disliked. It doesn't make sense in my head. It may to you - but not me)
Now you may only have to do a Soap Cap every other time, I only do it 3 times a year but I have so much hair + being sick -- makes it very hard... so it should be a breeze for all of you.

The trick is what we call a Soap Cap. When it gets to 50-55 minutes of processing the straight color on your roots or the entire hair (the 1st time)  this is how you will start. First.............

  • with gloves on
  • take all the hair and flop it down in the kitchen sink
  • mush it all together on top of head, using save movements as if you are shampooing hair .
  • Once all smushed together 
  • take a 1/4 Cup of bottled water, pour over entire head.......where Color is mainly
  • sprinkling every where. . . . lightly. . .  til gone
  • begin shampooing the color/water mixture together = this forms a colored lather - making sure you get all hair in the heavy lathery mix.
  • Cover with plastic Cap (which you may request with hair Color orders)
This is the SOAP CAP. Now let that soapy-Colorful hair mix sit & process for 5-10 minutes.

  • Put head under luke-warm
  •  water and rinse 
  •  thoroughly...meaning 4-5 minutes longer than you think, there should be ZERO feel of any hair color goop at all in hair.... it should be squeaky clean
  • Shake excess water out of hair, apply Killerstrands INTENSIVE,
  •  pH Balancer & locks in color - the longer you can leave this on the better - I try to plan either leaving  INTENSIVE OR THRIVEN on over night after coloring ....sleeping with a Terry Turban or Sleep cap. I'm telling you if you do that you will be so damn impressed with your hair color and so will everyone else. 
  • If you have loads of damage then leave GLEAM on braid the hair and leave it on overnight. APRIL the manager for the Group recently went from black hair to Platinum and her hair really took a tole. I sent her some Gleam and after trying Intensive and Gleam overnight, which helped a LOT............IN one night she said her hair felt completely back to normal after using Gleam and she wondered why I never wrote a post about the wonders of GLEAM - OVERNIGHT ??? Gleam truly works miracles because hair is made of lipids and Gleam is 100% lipids with every single addition strengthening hair...
  • aloe vera oil
  • 2 Vitamin E's
  • Chamomile extract.................its just the bomb.....if you have damaged hair
  • but back to the subject ! !

Now refreshing the ends when you only Re-touch the roots -every 5-6 weeks goes as follows:

  • Re-touch the hair by only coloring NEW-growth with color. Then to do the Soap Cap....... Again you can re-fresh the ends with new hair color - only when needed.
  • At 55 minutes of color processing the new-growth
  • Flop hair in sink
  • Take a 1/2 Cup of bottled water - sprinkle on hair color
  • Begin smooshing all together.......the color with the water added will lather, which is what you want
  • work into lather adding a little more water to mixture if needed - the least amount of water the better, it should feel like a very heavy lather
  • smoosh together and pile on top of head & clip.
  • Apply plastic or shower cap
  • Process 10 minutes
  • Rinse with water - no shampoo for 2 days - there are cleaning agents in all hair color for this exact purpose.
  • Shampooing anytime in the first 48 hours will fade new color substantially. Do NOT do it. Your hair will feel clean
  • Always follow with "Killerstrands INTENSIVE" a pH balancer and color lock and you become "GOLDEN" !

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