December 7, 2014

DEMO: DEMO: How to Achieve Those Never-Ending... Lovely... BEACHY CURLS

 How To Get Perfect BEACHY CURLS

1. The "before" shot!

2. First, you want to take different-sized sections of hair, so your curls won't be too uniform. Take these partings of hair in varying sizes and wrap around the barrel of your curling iron. ( As a hair stylist we use and swear by the MARCEL 1" inch Barrel Curling Iron .... since it won’t flatten your hair and gives you more body). Leave the last couple of inches of hair out to not curl them because they would end up absorbing too much curl—which would end up looking too girly, like Shirley Temple. I also like to curl away from the face (going back, instead of forward) since it makes the curls flow away from your face, opening up your face more.

3. Once you pull your hair out of the curling iron, pull it straight for a few seconds,let the hair COOL WITHOUT TOUCHING IT ! If your curls don't last long a special trick used by all pro Stylists : use simple hair clips like these:

clip the curl in its ROUND shape (leaving out the ends) to the head. That means the hair will cool in a complete round shape on the head.  LET COOL (most important part) 

4-5. Repeat on the other side.

6. Finally, shake out the curls to loosen them up and make them look natural.

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