February 19, 2014

Shampoo; Its Job and the Only Thing It Truly Can and SHOULD Do

I would imagine most consumers think there are constant changes going on in shampoos, from all the wacky commercials on the tube.........it seems like one week they have discovered how to add shine, the next how to give you Volume. Know from me........ that shampoo does NOT HAVE THE CAPACITY TO DO ANY OF THOSE TRICKS, really ! Shampoo..........has the ability to clean your hair.........that is its job and as long as it cleans your hair well, without leaving any lingering bad ingredients, that is all you should expect from it.  There are about a hundred million other products for all the various tasks you would like to do to your hair, just require your shampoo to clean your hair AND THAT'S IT ! ! ! Doing that correctly is all a shampoo can do, no matter what they tell you on advertisements. This is ALL these products have the capacity to do:


Frankly, within the chemistry make-up and formulation end of shampoo it has not changed that much in the last 30 years...in my eyes. About a month ago I made a few calls to some of the major shampoo manufacturers in the US to see what they had to say about the biggest changes in within their up coming shampoo releases.

This was the best news I have heard in a very very long time. They all said the same thing > "Sulfate-Free" is their number 1 Red Flag  - STILL ! I still don't see as much as I wish there was. I wish all the inexpensive shampoos were Sulfate-free. This has been a knife in my side now for at least 15 years.

So rejoice . . they have finally heard the complaints and bitching I and many of my stylist com-padres have unleashed on the world! I'm not going to complain about the time it took . . . at least "it took". That is a very good thing.

I cannot completely prove that SLS or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a 100% cause of all the hair loss and hair thinning in women of late....because I still feel from all my research that it is because of the synergistic effect of the combination of ...all of the 13 steps of 10,000 HEADS.

I bought some SLS or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate way back when I was an innocent little cosmetic chemist trying to make my own shampoo that was better than the what was offered at the stores....it is this puffy white powder. But when you open the top of a simple small jar of the actual product "SLS" and the inside of your nose, eyes and lungs BURN simply from 1 tiny inhale.....SOMETHING IS DRASTICALLY WRONG ... who in their right mind would put that on hair and hair follicles...??? .......wow that subject infuriates me...and always will. Stay away from SLS, or SULFATES..... become accustom to reading labels please....just like you do for your food. You have to learn to protect yourself...there are so many millions of products on the market now that it is not even realistic to think that our government could keep control over that entire industry. We can't even keep Terrorists out of the country that are trying to kill us with guns and Airplanes !

Killer Chemist

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