February 1, 2014

Dear Andrea, I Do Not Want You To Lose Anymore Hair . . . .

 A Note to a Dear Friend I Have Made Through This Website....who needs to Use A Violet -Toned Shampoo to Cancel The Brass In Her Blonde. . . .

Dear Andrea,
....you must change shampoos ...that shampoo has Sulfates in it and I believe 100% that sulfates cause hair loss in females.
Sulfates are what the entire 10,000 HEADS Protocol is all about.

(This is EXACTLY How I feel in 2014 and Need to Stress the IMPORTANCE of the 10,000 HEADS Protocol)

GET RID OF SULFATES in your life and your children's lives!
Schwartzkopf does not make a sulfate-free lavender shampoo....unless you have a brand new one that hasn't hit  Calif. yet, the east coast does get new products before us in certain brands.........look on the back and it will be either the 
1st,2nd,3rd or 4th ingredient if it says:  
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate........
or anything even close to that such as Sodium Sulfate, SLS , then it is Bad and you need to rush right out and get a new shampoo or if u want we can start using up your credit.
I don't care, I just want you OFF that shampoo if it has sulfates in it.
I ran multiple tests on women of all ages because I had girls at the age of 18 have hair loss who had never colored their hair and I was trying to find a common link betweeen them and the 40 yr olds and the 60 year olds..... the common denominator was Shampoo with sulfates in them. AND.....when they switched to a sulfate-free shampoo, the hair loss stopped. It was that way across the board. It was such an easy solution to hair loss in women.
The big corporations were dragging their feet and finally just last month Redken ( who is owned by L'Oreal - a french company) finally was the last to give in and make a sulfate-free professional shampoo in a shocking pink container.
I will tell you I have only found 4 and
in the order of how people buy them:
  • Tressa violet Wash- sulfate -free
  • Pravana Violet sulfate-free
  • OSMO Sulfate-free violet pearl
anyway Andrea, I decided this was important enough to bring it up to the troops that read this Blog again, so they could benefit from it as well.

Please be sure your shampoos do not have any form of sulfates in them.



  1. You are simply the best resource! Thanks!!!

  2. You're amazing!!!! Thank you for bringing this to all of our attention and for the 10,000 heads protocol!!!! :) Andrea

  3. I have been re-reading your posts on sulfates and shampoos. This one is probably my favorite right now: http://killerstrands.blogspot.com/2009/06/killer-strands-top-10-tips-for-choosing.html

    There sure is a lot to keep in mind. I thought I had all this covered, since I had a sls-free shampoo that I used sometimes. But I also used the violet shampoo - with SULFATES! - Yikes!!!

    I've just gone through the label for the childrens' shampoo/body wash as well. No sulfates there, thank goodness.

    Thank you so much for everything you do for all of us....


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