September 15, 2013

Schwartzkopf IGORA ROYAL Both Permanent & Demi-Perm Colors

Schwarzkopf Hair Color of 2013 Brand New Color Line That has Shattered all other Lines Quality

I like how they are displaying them to you , first grouping the "NATURALS" - - - - - - - -
Naturals or as I learned them 'Neutrals', either way they are known as the "N" Series and "N's" are what are used to combine with another color or 2 to cover gray correctly. Its a nifty little trick that the Sassoon Corporation kind of claimed to their way of teaching hair color and teaching it correctly,

When covering your Gray figure out the percentage of gray you have. . . .say 25% of the total amount of your head is gray..............then use 25% of the total formula in "Neutral" . ...the rest would be in the color you are trying to achieve!

The bottom are the High-lifts with improved lifting AND even have a blonding booster which is E-0 . So these are all your Level 12 colors. !2/0 Means Level 12.............and the '0' stands for N NEUTRAL. Neutral means no tones, I find it quite unusual that 12/0 is not ordered more . . . it is truly a beautiful color - crisp / clear / bright Blonde and if you need a bit of a boost to it.....use the Blonde Booster again ! They completely re-did this line and the whole line is like Illumin, it truly reacts differently on the hair , more gentle and a much more EVEN result. I just love it. 

One of the best parts about it is.......... it does the same as Illumin with a much bigger array of colors, and covers whatever is underneath as if it was virgin hair... and THAT is a great thing.

I will keep covering these till we get them all covered, so patience is due. 
Thank You,

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