May 1, 2013

That 'Bed-Head' Look .... Easier To Accomplish Than You Think !

To create that Bed-head look that is everywhere (and will not go-away), we carry one little simple product, needed to create it . Last time these were in they flew out, before I ever got to explain how to work them so lets to try again.

The answer is: 5 little words ! Jumbo vented hot roller clamps !  Let me explain how to use them to achieve this style ( which has been in every Victoria's Secret Catalogue for the last decade) !

What you will need is:
-  1 pin-tail comb
-  2 - 3 packages of vented roller clips
-  Styling product, I like:
  REF 525 HOLD HAIRSPRAY : pH 5.6. 
You can regulate the curl by the amount of product used

What you do is divide the entire head into 12 small sections, when the hair is lightly-damp. More dry than wet. 

Towel dry the hair gently also works,  then... roughly take each section and wind it up into a messy curl & clip with these clamps. The messier the better and not tight, using these clamps works better than any other device on the market. You can wind those 12 sections up in 10 minutes or less. Do this before you start on your make-up. Once the hair is all clipped up - begin your make-up. Next shoot the hair with a diffuser, or if you want the method Professionals use, pull out your travel hair dryer. Having the hair completely dry is important for giving the hair that messy feel and having it "last-that-way" all day {in a photo shoot}.

Now, when hair is completely dry, let down the hair gently as you want the hair to remain in that form till you check to see that it is completely dry thru & thru ! If necessary use a diffuser on the end of a dryer to completely dry sections. If you don't completely dry it, the curls will fall -- but more importantly you will lose the VOLUME. Then take a hot curling rod and wind JUST A COUPLE pieces of hair around it to give the look of a few - formed - curls.

 Poof ! ! the perfect Bedhead Look 


The theory is very similar to making pin know those curls they wound around their fingers??? Before there were such-a-thing as "ROLLERS" ! ;) !

Regulate the amount of curl you get by the dryness of the hair. The dryer the hair..... the LESS the curl. 

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