August 7, 2011

Thank You & Our Sympathies Go Out To All Members of the Military

We here at Killerstrands want to offer our sincere sympathies to the families and loved ones of the 38 soldiers - - - including: 6 of the magnificent 'Navy Seals' (that were involved in capturing & eliminating Osama bin Laudin, btw) that were included in killed in Afghanistan yesterday.

This accident brought me to tears and also straight back to the day I lost one of my best friends in a rotor-wing accident. I personally am just so very sorry that this has happened to you. Helicopter accidents are very rare . . . so this must be a freak accident. I really respect the military, and everything they do . .  I believe the last 10 years must have been just the hardest and most unique hardship there is. I see some new benefits and help going your way lately but they are a long way from giving you ALL that you deserve.

I feel it is a crime that you are not paid and treated better. I would like to do my (very) little part to help you out from my specialty - "HAIR" .  We have shipped many a package to Afghanistan, Germany and Iraq....and  all sorts of military bases stationed all over the world. 

I love that you are continuing to take care of your hair in 115 degree weather in the middle of the desert ! You ROCK!  What I would like to offer is some substantial discounts on your entire order as well as the shipping charges will be eliminated......What I need from 1,2,3 or 4 of you. . .. is a way I can distinguish if people are legitimately in the military or not, then you will be given a code name/number that will entitle you to a substantial discount - - ALL YEAR LONG. I'm sure there is some way to establish this members from all the branches. . . ( Navy, Army, Marines, etc...) if you will please email us - - so we can get this started - - -  I can feel a teeny tiny bit like I am helping you out in my own little way.

Please email to Killerstrands staff with your suggestion on how we can distinguish ACTUAL military members for your unique and permanent SAVINGS as long as you are in the service.    

Please email: 
Put in the Subject line : Military Member: Solution
Include some manner in which we can distinguish military members from the public.
I'm sure there is some form of Identification/number that you must have  (right???)  THANK YOU and I realize it is a very sma cv

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