April 25, 2010

Oils and Your Hair - Part 2

Ayurvedic Medicine and Your Hair

From what I gathered about this new technique : of adding oils to a world I had tried to keep them away from for years, it seemed going slowly at first would be wise. They use both internal addition of oils and external …. THAT is how much they believe in them. Which never stops amazing me, if you are like me you searched high and low for oil-free products for everything… hair, skin, lips, legs, arms, you name-it oil was “bad for it”. The day I realized what all these major companies were using IN PLACE of oils ( silicones & esters) I promise you I nearly cried. I still think people do things for “good” not just for $$.
Its a tough one to crack………….. a 30 year habit…………..…the funny part is: that more people haven’t realized what I have,  way before me. Regardless . . . we now have the knowledge. So with GLISTEN or GLAZE or one of the other new oils that will slowly be showing up in the store begin doing a slow massage on your own body for just a few minutes every day. That can go a long way toward promoting health and natural radiance…so try to make time for it everysingleday. Remember that one Step of 10,000HEADS that is SO important that I rarely speak of . . .Stress-relief. This ‘oil’ addition will add so much to the health of your hair and skin that I may be moving it into its own step.
Dryness according to ayurveda, is hazardous to your health . It can cause dryness & roughness in the body in the form of dry skin, coarse & THINNING HAIR ( hello ), a hoarse voice, arthritic joints and mental disorders.  The Dr. I met said , “ A dry stick is easy to break - - - -  but if the same stick is put in oil - - it becomes bendable and flex’s easily” - - I will never forget that comparison.  Oil inhibits dryness, plain and simple. Its always so fascinating to me when I discover that so many of the tricks I have learned throughout my journey with hair, always seem to go back to the basics, back to holistic – healthful living . . .  and the really funny part is, that when you do???? They actually work. GLEAM., GLISTEN, GLAZE. . . . all  miracle workers if you ask me.
Since I started massaging my legs/arms with Glisten everyday - - I promise you the skin has cleared up almost completely all the skin deformities of my history ( radiation – 14 surgeries – the leg was a mess) they gave me at least 5 different prescription creams – non of which worked . Its been 2 months and I now look forward to the application, I must be honest > I didn’t the first week. But the change in my skin was so nice, the improvement so overwhelming – I would be a fool not to crave it. Truly.Oil inhibits the drying qualities you get, there is nothing else that would do that. The Indians believe that all parts of the body are connected, much more than we do, but we must try to learn from them. They believe if you are to cure a problem on your skin with oil massage it will travel through the body’s intricate system and repair other parts that are out of whack. Make sense? I thought it did.
Glisten also has this crazy – wonderful scent to it ( my own concoction) Whipped Creme + Fresh Orange Dreame (which is 94% organic ingredients) , that is just slight & mysterious enough to catch a whiff of for about 3-4 hours. Usually am not a fruity person, but I feel this might surprise you. I have been working on my natural perfumery works that I plan on bringing to you in the  near future as well.  I fully realize its nothing to do with hair, after I saw the list of what goes in a perfume . . .it was another “oh no” moment for me. Now with having this Blog if I am going to do it for myself - - I might as well take you with me on the journey to find wonderful natural scents I might as well take you along for the ride.
Even though there really isn’t any equivalent to these oil treatments in western medicine, the results of ayurvedic treatments are so helpful for stress-related problems there really needs to be. I cannot tell you the amount of times clients would sit in my chair. . .  I would take one touch/see/feel of her hair after 6-7-8  weeks and say ‘what happened this month’ ?  I could tell by their hair if they had a rough month, because once everyone was on 10,000HEADS: their hair was superb. Any rocks in the road were because they fell off the wagon for a month, couldn’t get the Secret Supplement where they were traveling  but 9 times out of 10 it was because the STRESS for the month was just over the top. The correlation between STRESS and hair thinning is real….VERY VERY REAL, in my opinion – which is why 3 of the Steps really do pertain to getting you and your head into a peaceful Level while awake. I feel it affects the health of your hair. On the other hand using the S/S, GLEAM and THRIVEN can honestly solve the hair thinning repercussions from that, so never think there isn’t a solution. Which truthfully works fairly quickly. 
                                                                                                       Oil eliminates the build-up of toxins in the body and strengthens the body’s vital energy . Oil nourishes the internal energy responsible for a radiant appearance.  BEAUTY IS BALANCE AND PEACE OF MIND. In order to achieve that you must  attempt to achieve balance in mind, body and spirit.

There are specific oils that the Indians use for Oleation, but I am just going to recommend that any of you interested in adding an extra boost for helping hair loss / thinning and damage to use 1 Tablespoon of either Olive Oil or Flaxseed Oil. These are the 2 oils we have been testing the past 3 months and everyone feels an improvement of one kind or another. Whether some were skin – others were hair, me? again I had both improvements.
One month I used Flaxseed, now I’m on Olive Oil, 1 Tablespoon in the morning and one at night.  Because of my illness I have this lackluster to my hair. . . and although my hair is to my elbows and of medium thickness and yes, red…..there was very little of its own shine. Of course I know how to give it shine….all the tricks. What I noticed personally ( I realize this is as about as far from scientific as it comes – but at least its 100% honest) was some of my old shine returning after about 40 days of ingesting the oil daily . . . 2 out 8 friends agreed with me……2 men really felt like their hair filled in, in the area I have always called the “bowling alleys” – where men’s hair tends to recede first. So you might want to note that as well. I would definitely say  ingesting 2 Tablespoons of either Olive or Flaxseed oil every single day will do nothing but improve the head of hair you have. All of us have been on 10,000 heads for years, so we aren’t exactly the perfect people to be testing this. I would love to test it on someone who has not been following the 14 steps – but I can’t find it in my heart to even say those words! you know though - -  Just for comparison.
The one part of this I simply don’t have the time – space or room to go into here is this: the Indian culture believes that all of us have a basic ‘constitution’ of our body that is determined at the moment of conception . . . and it relates to your genetically inherited physical and emotional qualities. I believe strongly in genetics and the strength of them so this system they have I believe whole heartedly in.
They call it DOSHA’s.      There are 3 DOSHA’s : VATA – PITTA and KAPHA.
I encourage you to take this test to find out which Dosha you are? Please click on this link and take the test>
I’m a VATTA-PITTA . . . . why don’t you see what you are ??

Dosha’s specifically relate to those qualities, characteristics and tendencies that are stable. For instance, while you may experience temporary changes, like gaining or losing ten pounds, feeling nervous or irritable, developing a cold or flu, etc., in the natural course of life you will never gain or lose five inches on your height or experience a change of eye color. 

There are three main doshas or forces: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These are loosely translated as Air, Fire and Earth, respectively. Each of us has all three doshas in our constitution, in unique proportions. In Ayurveda, seven dosha-predominant Prakritis are described: Vata-predominant, Pitta-predominant, Kapha-predominant; three dual Prakritis, where two doshas are equally , you know what lets forget this . . . . . . Now its getting too confusing and THAT is what I don’t want to do. TOO confusing and you lose people, especially ME!
TEST Your Dosha Here
Knowing your DOSHA can help you maintain optimal health and by following this link you can take it ONLINE and it will give your DOSHA, all computerized. I could not transfer the test to this small space. So you must leave to take it but then you can return. Truthfully it does not need to be that complicated either. If you simply add a GLISTEN massage to your  legs/arms/belly morning and night 1 Tablespoon of Flaxseed oil and Olive oil you are good to go. Just wanted to put the DOSHA test in for those that want to get more involved. Personally I’m just doing the mellow version, the versio I just described. Maybe we have an Indian member that would like to add to my post or write a post  educating us even more on this for us . . . please email us KillerTrinity3@aol.com ( or maybe even correct me if I have something wrong).
I read numerous stories about people having difficulties sleeping receiving a 7 day course of Panchakarma from an Ayurvedic  Physician. All of them were cured. The treatments included the following : morning and night oil massages {arms,legs & belly}, + oil enemas ( with specific oils) one of my test subjects found oil enemas online and she tried them ( no fancy oils were added) which worked wonderfully for her(!), and then 2 Tablespoons of drinking GHEE (Indian oil – clarified butter) substitution: Olive or Flaxseed Oil daily for 7 days.  All reports were they had never slept so soundly and had a hard time rising in the morning. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTry this PLEASE if that is an issue for you. No drugs, no crap that is bad for your body.
In PANCHAKARMA, soothing and detoxifying oils are used to penetrate the body’s largest organ - - -  the SKIN. This releases toxins deposited in fat cells and drives them to the colon for elimination. The goal is not only to detoxify the body but to regain harmony between the body’s three subtle biological forces or DOSHA’S : VATA, PITTA and KAPHA. Insomnia is a VATA disorder once you make the VATA go down… the body is in better balance. This system has been at work within the Indian culture for way over 5,000 years, I am a believer in: ‘the longer you work at something the better you get’. . . The Indians have been working on this 4800 years longer than we have even been in existence. There is nothing wrong with listening to another culture, especially one that looks and sounds so healthy .
We must learn that JUST panchakarma won’t permanently cure insomnia or high stress ( both imbalances of a DOSHA) – You must also borrow from the other steps of 10,000HEADS and be sure to get exercise ( preferably YOGA, walking – am a huge believer of walks with no electronics….and cardio of some sort . .whether it comes from a brisk walk of 40 minutes . . . or bicycle riding is another Gold star recommendation of mine ) 
All of those are imperative . . .the body is going to become imbalanced now and then - - you cannot stop stress from the outside. You have to develop daily routines that help you body and mind cope. . . . when your body is in balance your skin and hair will THRIVE - - I promise you.
So many of us are so strict with ourselves – pushing so hard at work, at family… at everything but what we should be doing and that is taking care of our body so that we CAN take care of all the other things easily and healthfully.
DONT PUSH YOURSELF SO HARD that you are FORCED TO relax because you CRASH.
In Ayurveda, lifestyle has a direct influence on the balance of the DOSHA’s and your susceptibility to disease. Maintaining a home OIL routine is important but it can’t replace eating well, exercising and getting enough rest. Your home routine can, however, strengthen your defenses during periods of intense stress.
The Indian system also emphasizes respecting your body’s natural rhythms by eating and sleeping at regular hours. Ideally, meals are to be eaten with no distractions and late nights avoided. Both of these are steps I must constantly remind myself of, I hope you will to. Adopting just these simple little practices will pay off, both physically and emotionally. Not only will you feel better and LOOK better, you’ll also enjoy the soothing and rejuvenating effect of oil application. 79395014
OIL MASSAGE CAN PREVENT AGING FOR A VERY LONG TIME , says Ayurvedic skin care expert Pratima Raichur. . . and here you thought you needed to save up $800. for a BOTOX shot ! I have been terrified of those my entire life, the thought of shooting toxic parts of a cow in my face just truly horrifies me, I’ve never been brave enough….although I am probably the only person in my area without them!
There are 6 main types of OLEATION
1) Self massage. As we have spoken about . .  using GListen warmed up a little – massage in small circles on the limbs and on the joints especially. The abdomen & chest should be massaged in clockwise circular motion. You can do this before your shower . .  even if you only do it for 5 minutes, the magic has begun.
2) Head massage 2-3x weekly ( for all DOSHA types) – rub warm Glisten / Gleam / Glass ( coming soon) into the head all over massaging the scalp with the fingertips. You can also take small sections of the hair and pull them taut to give yourself a bit of a jolt. This enables the oil to get into the root and hair bulb giving the growth sequence of the next new hair a healthier base to form on. This is best done when you can leave that oil on the hair for a minimum of 1 hour prior to showering for ultimate benefits.
3) Nasal massage  this clears the sinuses performed 1-2X per week. Lie down, face up, with your head resting on the side of the bed so your nose is at a lower level that your throat. Use a dropper ( request one with any oil from KS) to insert 2-4 drops of warm oil into each nostril. massage the sides of the nose in an upward direction. Remain still for one minute so the oil doesn’t drain in the throat.  Helps many with sinus problems . . .  give it a try . . . .
4) Ear Oleation  Oiling the ears keeps your sense of hearing in top shape and helps balance VATA. the oil also calms jaw tension. Use little finger to rub a drop or 2 of oil on the openings of the ear canal. Or apply oil to a cotton ball and rub the ear openings
5) Oil mouthwash ! Yep you read it right! BEFORE brushing your teeth gargle with a teaspoon of warm GLAZE (our Sesame oil either with or without lemon). Swish it around in your mouth and rub the gums with your index finger and the oil. Doing this daily is wonderful for the teeth and gums.
and lastly is the
6) Internal Oleation – which is ingesting 1 Tablespoon of oil either Olive or Flaxseed. Both excellent. Now the oly reason you would NOT want to do this …. is if you have high cholesterol . . . so if that is an issue for you please hope over to your doctors and ask them – I bet you can even call the nurse and she would be able to tell you.
Using the proper oils for your skin type… just a few minutes each day… can go a long way toward promoting health and natural radiance
nothing is better than NATURAL RADIANCE
Killer Strands Store / Oils
Killer Chemist


  1. Hi KC,

    You say not to take oils internally if a person has high cholesterol, however, plant-based foods and oils have no cholesterol. Only animal based products such as meat, milk, eggs, etc. have cholesterol.

    Olive oil and flax oil can actually *lower* cholesterol.

  2. Anyone wanting to add oils to their diet but not sure how...it's just one more good reason to eat a salad! Just make your own salad dressing and replace the "regular" oil you'd normally use with the "good" oils KC recommends and chow down! WIN-WIN!

  3. I've been lead to the same discovery that oils/fats have actually been demonized for years. It's hard to get the head around at first, but truth is stranger than fiction!

    Since focusing on eating healthy fats and eliminating grains and processed sugar my hair has been growing healthier and faster. My nails are driving me crazy how they grow so fast (I like to keep my nails short and neat, as I'm and artist and use my hands a lot).

    Now, this Youtube video is a MUST SEE. It will shock you.

    Fats & Oils - Youtube:

    And this is where I learned the truth about fats/oils:
    "The Definitive Guide to Oils"

    Keep up the good work with your AWESOME BLOG. Because of you I'm sulfate free!!

  4. I am looking for a Level 4/5 Brown a little darker than the "Chocolate Brown Straight no reds, no violets – just straight up – Chocolate Brown". This would be for a root touch-up. Thank you.

  5. Lizzo,
    Yes, you are correct,but I didn't want to be the cause of anything harmful, so I decided to word it that way.
    If people are interested in adding oils to their diet and they have medical conditions at all I HIGHLY suggest you call your doctors office: ask to speak to the nurse, and find out if it is OK with your particular problem.

    I never joined the hair industry to inflict pain or discomfort on anyone, which is why I am so overboard careful about using bleach on-the-scalp - - and color in general.
    Pain should not be anywhere close to the application of color, if it is then you are doing it wrong.


  6. Checker,
    please join the group (Google: google groups killerstrands) for help with color formula. Everything is in the blog for you to calculate it as well.


All comments are moderated. Please do not include: references to personal information, or any profane, inflammatory or copyrighted comments. We would appreciate it if we all stick to the subject of HAIR . Have a wonderful day.