February 19, 2010

Gold Medal Gold – A Tale of 2 Blonds

Can I be the color of ______ (fill in the blank)

badasshair166 Skimming this months Marie Claire, prompted me to actually purchase one. I feel sorry for the magazine industry, we have all turned to the Web for so much, I hope it never goes away, there is truly nothing like curling up to a good girly ‘zine. Christina Aguilera is on the front and she has never looked better, I used to tell my clients…once she gets a good Colorist and a great make-up artist, she is going to be stunning, it has just happened.
One of the most common questions lately ( and by my own daughter even) is why can’t I have this new “Blonette or Bronde” color that is E V E R Y W H E R E  - lately. If I could show you how this is all thought up and contrived in the boardrooms of companies across the nation, you would “get it”- and you may change your minds.  The big giant companies that make hair color ( which is a tremendous money maker – Billions $$) are always trying to come up with the opposite color they promoted last season. Why? So we all will look at the photos, yearn to look like them  . . . .and then DECIDE TO CHANGE YOUR HAIRCOLOR !  I mean it is not a totally bad idea, I just want you to be aware that it is happening, and not just accidently.
Personally, I love to see various hair colors – I love to see every color of the rainbow walking around. When I see the streets of Tokyo I feel sorry for them all having the same hair color…what sets them apart from one another? Yes, yes. . . I know what comes from “within” is what does -- but we all know that   “appearance”  is what first initiates that next step of wanting to learn “who” that person “is” on the “INSIDE” ! !
With that being said, the HAIRCOLOR “Question-Of-The-Month” is : why can’t I be that new color Bronde? Which is kind of a Brown-Gold…….and if you ask me brown-gold is BRASS! Every Colorists LEAST FAVORITE COLOR! I’ve spent a lifetime trying to get rid of Brass. Now they are promoting it as the new-hip-gotta-have Color? HHHHHHHHHHHelp.
Well, another thing most Killer Stranders hate to hear, and I’m convinced its because they don’t understand what it means, is the answer I most often give that question… because of your DURP…………..and DURP is?
Dominant Underlying Remaining Pigment
The pigment that is in your DNA and you are born with, is what DURP is. The DNA (and pigment) that makes you different, from that person sitting next to you. We all have a different personality we all have different DURP. That’s about all there really is to it.
Here is Christina and her blond
bombshell mops189
Doesn’t she look great? Obviously this blond is the 2-step:  bleach and tone.
The most upkeep there is in the hair biz, she most likely has her roots done like Gwen and that is about every 2-3 weeks depending on her growth speed. {This does NOT mean any of you should attempt this at home, she does this with a very experienced Top-in-her-field Colorist} it is too difficult to do to oneself that frequently without terrible OVERLAP.  Over-lapping bleach is what causes breakage, and used to actually be one of the steps of 10,000 HEADS - - that is how much it needs to be avoided. 
Now what those of you with this type of hair will ask . . . is why can’t have this color blond…………………
bombshell mops188 This is BRONDE…
and Yes, while gorgeous . . . you tell me this does not look brassy blond…….as a Colorist, it is……….. and if you put this color on a plain looking person with straight out – of-- control raggedy hair…. what would you think of it? I promise you , you would not think it was gorgeous….. its very brassy and I can guarantee you they altered this color with PHOTO SHOP . . . because her skin and hair are brassy and warm colored. Now this model has had her Level 6-7 hair lightened with about a Level 8NBG and 30 Volume…..( wild guess)….but with her DURP, something she was born with . . . her Colorist has achieved this nice color.
No, not everyone can achieve this ………my biggest Rule is :
I can make anyone’s hair this color for 1 day. ANYONE’S. But for it to last for a week or more is an entirely different story. THAT IS WHERE DURP comes into play, and that is where the models’ hair from us ‘everyday’ people differ.
I would make a pretty high wager that Christina CANNOT achieve this color. Just like many of you cannot. She is Hispanic, so she most likely has an ungodly amount of GOLD/Yellow in her hair so if she was to try to achieve a Level 8-9 NBG, she would end up with a brassy yellow dome. Just horrific- I’m sure.
What she has picked though is a wonderful 2nd choice, she looks marvelous. My only second recommendation would be to cut her hair into a bob….(one length just above the shoulders) - - why? Bleached hair can only look healthy for so long . . . being as she doesn’t use GLEAM / THRIVEN or the Secret Supplement… she needs a shorter length.
Remember I’m always about HEALTHY HAIR, no matter what. A long tested virtue of the Vidal Sassoon method of doing hair that I have incorporated into the 10,000 HEADS 14-Step Protocol of Hair  Health and my life.
Please visit our store or our Forum/Group for help with your color or your Blond…
In my mind both of these blonds are GOLD MEDAL, even though they are truly different.
Killer Chemist


  1. Christina actually does have a short blonde bob: http://justjared.buzznet.com/2009/11/10/christina-aguilera-short-blonde-bob/

    She looks sooo good with it short! I just love it.

    This is my new goal. Get my hair's strength back, get a killer-cut, and a kickass platinum toner. Oh, how badly I need to find a good stylist here...
    I'm so looking forward to starting 10,000 Heads KC, thank you so much for everything you put into this amazing blog and your products that I can't waittt to get on my head, I hope you got my email-order! ;-)


  2. So, are you saying that you're DURP will always show through no matter what? And that we're much better off just working with our DURP instead of against it?

    I'm still a little confused with DURP.

  3. I disagree I like the bronde look...sorry. I also think the photo is more than one color, going from 8 to 9 at least. Of course you have to use some shimmer lights some days as a blonde. Jen Aniston popularized this color originally. I like it on her. It has a lot less to do with brown.

  4. Hi Killer Chemist,

    So sorry if you've answered this before! I am trying to figure out what products I should use.

    As of last Thursday - I had my virgin hair color which I think (according to your charts) is 7-8 with an ash undertone. (I was platinum as a child).

    I asked for a few highlights around the face and they did balliage and then sat me under the dryer and it came out yellow-orange. The stylist tried to correct to no avail. I know they used lift...and she said my hair was very difficult to lift.

    I am not quite ready to try bleaching on my own. But if I do the SHAMPOO TRAIN and use VANISH will the orange go away? Or is that there forever -- with my only hope being to go lighter or darker?

    Thank you!

  5. Hi Killer Chemist,

    So sorry if you've answered this before! I am trying to figure out what products I should use.

    As of last Thursday - I had my virgin hair color which I think (according to your charts) is 7-8 with an ash undertone. (I was platinum as a child).

    I asked for blonde highlights and they did balliage and then sat me under the dryer and it came out yellow-orange. The stylist tried to correct to no avail. I know they used lift...and she said my hair was very difficult to lift.

    I am not quite ready to try bleaching on my own. But if I do the SHAMPOO TRAIN and use VANISH will the orange go away? Or is that there forever -- with my only hope being to go lighter or darker?

    Thank you!

  6. Annie,
    No KC here, but I got a feeling your stylist lifted you to the orange/yellow stage. Check out lightening hair or lifting (bleaching) on the blog it shows you levels of decolorization. I highly doubt she would tone you a hidious orange (gold). You can't wash that orange out of your hair (unless it is the toner she used). That is the color of your hair. This is what KC is saying in this blog. You might have looked great walking out of the salon if she had put a blue (ash) tone to couter act the orange. But even still, it (toner) would eventually wash out, leaving you with the yellow/orange stage. It sounds to me like your stylist isn't a colorist. And, to blame your hair and it's lifting ablilities! A nice blue/violet toner would help you out a bunch. If you do use Vanish and this orange is caused by the toner, it would work and correct it. If it's the level your at and she didn't tone or improperly tone you, it may not correct it. Best of luck!
    As for Anonymous, yes we all like the color. That is what KC is saying, but we can't all be that color. And, even if we can, we can't be there long! I hope they do figure out how to make it work...I love the beautiful level 8 with slices of 9 and 10 (ala Jennifer Aniston). I just don't want my level 8 to be brassy and since that level is technically orange HOW can you keep it from shining through? Especially seeing as how I don't live on a movie star budget!

  7. Annie,
    Definitely check out the KS store. What it sounds like you need is a toner. Search the blog for anything related to blonde, toner, and color theory and you'll find an answer for sure. Good luck and don't give up!


  8. I was wondering why would 30% developer be used to lift just one or two levels rather than 20%? Or does it add an extra zing of some kind?

  9. Gang,
    DURP is the color you were born with, no 2 people are alike. Its in your DNA. Some have the perfect DURP.

    I've wanted to tell the head of a studio -- if they would just pic actresses with GREAT DURP, for their TV shows, they will have all hits. Just think of any celeb you like...think of their hair. Anyone super successful in hollywood, has great hair - great DURP. Remeber FRIENDS? ALL 6 of them had great DURP, GREAT HAIR.
    What's big now?
    Desperate Housewives? All GREAT DURP.
    Grays Anatomy...Pretty much all GREAT DURP.
    I mean even having a great brunette is unique. Angelina Jolie? Great DURP - - HER HUSBAND has the best DURP I have ever seen on one man...(Pitt).
    I know its a weird theory, buts its right-on !
    Thanks for the help everyone, I need it.
    Its very hard to get to all of these now. .

    oh and Ann......
    20 Volume is use for same tone, or maybe 1/2 - 1 level of lift
    30 Volume is 2-3 levels of lift
    40 V = 3-4 levels of lift



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