October 16, 2008

There Is A 'Hair' God As Well

October 14, 2008

Sabrina Said:
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the hard work you have put in for this blog. I just colored my hair for the first time using the information you taught me, and it turned out so great that I actually ended up referring about 15 people at work who complimented me to your blog. I will be definitely paying for your consultation!! The products you offer too are just fabulous, you just can't find them anywhere else... and the 15% off is like shipping and tax free on top of your already low prices. I mean they're so competitive to what's at Sally's... and the quality just doesn't compare. I don't know how to express it enough in words, but thank you for all that you have invested here... you are an angel. ~Sabrina
thank you sabrina, boy did i need that today, Killer Chemist


  1. hi i just found your blog and i was wonderin if you could give me any ideas about what to do with my hair? i noticed its an all girls page, but do u do guys? i have a sort if strawberry/dirty blonde color as my natural, but i want to put some darker and brighter into it. my hair is cut longer on the right side and tapered everywhere into points and is shorter in the back. my email is ghostofpastmemories@yahoo.com if ud like to contact me that way. thank you for the help love
    Zackiie Poison

  2. Zackie,
    both men and women are members here.
    For one on one consultations with me it is a $25.00 fee, which works out well because $15.00 of that may be applied toward your first hair color purchase through our Killer Color Clinic.

    But for all this to take place you must join our group, so why don't you start there.


    In the group, you can get help from our many members for free, they can maybe help you come up with a plan. I also help out in there as well.
    thank you

  3. Sabrina is completely right. I don't know what I would have done without your blog. I'd probably live in highlight hell indefinitely. So Sad. I'm stoked to try my hand as a crib colorist. I have avoided it in the past, although always tempted, because somehow I just knew the results would be disasterous. I'm so confident that I'll be able to do this successfully because of all the information YOU have made available that I'm already planning what I'll do next. I really can't thank you enough and I can already tell this is my new hobby. You really should get to hear THANK YOU! more often.

  4. yup i have to agree whit all the people on this blog. its is so awesome. one year back i didn't care what ingredients were in my shampoo and now i end up checking every product. and my hair is so much better.... u r a lifesaver. an angel.


All comments are moderated. Please do not include: references to personal information, or any profane, inflammatory or copyrighted comments. We would appreciate it if we all stick to the subject of HAIR . Have a wonderful day.