June 10, 2015

How Hair Turns Blond - and Its Not What You Think ! !

One of the most common problems I get asked is . . .
"how can I get this lousy hair color out of my hair and just simply get back to something beautiful and blond?"

Seems so easy to many of you, when in fact it will be the single hardest thing you ever do to your hair. That one weak moment in the drug store, that reach for that darn 'Color-in-a-box' was where it began that treacherous slide down the hill into the pit of "no-return". You knew better . . .you knew, but you did it anyway and now you are paying.
I have written many a Post about this subject, but I continue to get numerous people every week with the same sad song, so I am trying a different approach with this post. I'm hoping if I explain why and how hair turns blond, it will make some of you see why it isn't so simple to come BACK from. Although, I will give many of you credit, many will tell me that once you discovered KILLER STRANDS, started reading and studying, you wished you would have found me just one week earlier - so that you prevented the whopping mistake. Here's hoping this explanation opens some eyes, if you have any questions at all ...you know where the comments section is. . . Mahalo

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