August 8, 2008

Flat Iron Addiction = F.I.A. Flat Iron Stuck To Your Hand? and Hair. .

HELP ! Out of Control Problem

sb10068865c-002 This is an issue that I've addressed, had a client with a horrific problem show up yesterday. I knew it was hitting our youth strong but I can see now its even creeping into 25 - 30 year olds. YEP! Your busted. I'm no psychologist but the way some of my clients that will cop to it ( its very easy for hair stylists to tell if you have this issue -btw) explain it, it seems to be very similar to OCD issues as I understand it.
OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder and as Wikipedia describes it, Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)is an anxiety disorder characterized by obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions ( tasks or rituals) which atteWoman lifestyle. Miami, Florida, Usa. MODEL RELEASE # 1052mpts to neutralize the obsessions. OCD is distinguished from other types of anxiety, including routine tension and stress that appear throughout life. The reason I put this in here, is so those of you that have this {which there are some of you right now reading this} that do indeed have this to one degree or another... must realize that it is a serious issue. Now I know from experience with my clients that many, as soon as it is pointed out, can stop. It takes some work, and some effort - its not just, "oh, I think I'll stop" . . . nope, its a bit more serious than that. it must be worked at and something must replace that urge to flat iron. If you have the urge to flat iron and cannot stop I can suggest 2 things.
1.) If you can afford it, I would suggest making an appointment with a Psychologist that specializes in OCD for a month or two, at least.
50266463.tif2.) There are many great books on OCD, which is the choice if you cannot afford it. I have used this method to work with about every single problem I've had - I even raised my children reading books! I feel they only publish books from the best in their field, so why not read a book for excellent information.
Now for those of you that have FIA and can deal with it on your own I would like to offer a few alternatives for you before you fry so much of your hair off there will be no recovery. I mean it, I want to scare you...because the person that was in my chair yesterday has to go on a very strict program or she will have no hair left soon. She used extensions AND a flat iron numerous times every day and the damage is done, I am hopeful that we can save her hair but it sure reminded what is out there.
Becoming dependent on your flat iron is just not a great habit to get into. Remember . . . what is the single worst thing that can damage your hair ? ? ? ? ? ?
HEAT flatiron7
Therefore, think about it... if heat is the single worst thing you can do to your hair . . . then > really HOT heat on 2 metal plates that are then pressed very tightly onto small sections of your hair, MUST be horrific on its condition. That just has to be the worst way to damage your hair, don't you think. You can begin to burn the hair off, I saw it on the girl yestersb10062929c-001day . . . it can happen to you, FIA is a REAL - serious problem.
Electrical Tools have their place, but try giving your hair a break from excessive heat styling once in a while - learn to love your hair natural texture, one of the main mottos of Vidal Sassoon Academies worldwide. VS believes and they are right that if you use your natural texture in your hair style your hair will look better and as much as even I tried to fight that idea, they are right.
If you cannot go completely cold turkey on quitting the iron - re-educate yourself on using them by following my iron-safe guide ...
Hopefully you have an iron with a temperature control, most have them. Try straightening your hair with the temperature at a lower level. Experimeflatiron8nt, I don't want to recommend a temp & it isn't right for your particular tool. Find the coolest possible you can get away with and keep it there, no reason at all to use the hottest temp.
Cheat that super-sleek finish by just ironing the top sections. Which means the top layer of the hair that is showing. This is the only part that is seen so why take the risk of damaging the rest of the hair !
If you know that you're going to be wearing yo200146702-001ur hair up, save time and help your hair's health by bypassing the irons. Hair that's got a little texture looks more modern in an up-do and will hold a style for longer if it has a rough texture as opposed to the smooth texture achieved with the iron.
Don't just use the irons to straighten your hair, they can be used to create a variety of styles, from flicks to volume to curls. If you have not mastered these yet, the trick? Practice - practice - practice. The only one a tad tricky is the "curls", but it is easier on the hair than using a curling iron that has heat in the entire circle and uses a hot CLAMP as well. Mastering the Flat Iron curl or wave is much easier on your hair and its condition than a full blown curling iron so set aside an hour or two for a couple days in a row and get it down!
The Golden rule of all electrical styling is to use a heat protector, like Kera Care's Silken Seal...a spray silicone serum without alcohol, every time you reach for the heat, to give your tresses some well deserved protection. Many companies make one, beware for an ingredient called denatured alcohol, it is drying for hair and should not be hair styling products.

Finally, my suggestion to everyone is to go BACK TO THE BASICS. What did we do 'before' Flat Irons were made by every single hair company and had every bell and whistle on them. I'm waiting for there to be a combo flat-iron and cell phone. Wouldn't that be the next logical step? Anyway, break out the blow dryer and brush. I like the look better anyway - I just think it has to do a bit with laziness, there is no easier way to style the hair than a flat iron.
kenra sNow , if the damage is done and you are saying to yourself, I'm quitting> now and decide to throw the iron away ( I've had plenty of clients go this radical) you will need to get serious about deep condition treatments - PRONTO. Give your hair the time and TLC it needs to recover. Invest in a re-hydrating and restructuring shampoo like KENRA'S Platinum Shampoo , SLS-Free and uses real Shea butter to moisturize hair. 8 OZ Bottle, to use everyday.
And Invest in a moisturizing deep Hair Conditioner that you must begin giving yourself overnight treatments with immediately. Here at Killerstrands we recommend our own little miracle, THRIVEN. The deep conditioner concocted by myself about 6 years agthriven cropped8o and sold in the Malibu Salon I worked for. There is also a secret supplement that must be started - which you get the name of 'with' the purchase of your first jar of THRIVEN - we have had terrific luck with for hair health and hair growth. Almost all notice a remarkable difference in their hairs condition after the very first treatment. You may purchase this in the Side>>>>>Bar, there is a 1 click Buy-Now Button that will take you directly to Killerstrands Pay Pal account. Simple and safe.
If you have FIA to a serious degree and have nowhere to turn, please join our group -- we would be glad to answer your questions, there are a lot of people in our hair group forum with a lot of helpful answers and can be very supportive, many with lots of experience including myself.
We have a nice group with some very kind and helpful members I am proud to call my friends. Please, consider joining and we will be more than happy to discuss anything hair related. . . . including FIA.
Check Those Flat Irons at the door Boys and Girls!


  1. Cheesy,
    This problem is a lot further out of hand than even I make it sound...if you know someone I would suggest mentioning it to them. I have many people who have burned their hair off - completely off - that's how bad the addiction has become. so sad to me.

  2. This is an amazing post KC!!! Not to mention that it is info we can all probably relate to at some point in our hair history!I used to blow-dry, flat iron, hot curl, etc... my hair on a daily basis. Not to mention all the color and bleach I have used. However, for the last month and a half I have not been using any hot tools and have been placing my hair in velcro rollers and allowing it to air dry. At first I was not happy with the result of the style, but I learned how to work with my natural hair. NOW I LOVE IT !!!!! Also 2 weeks ago I started sulfate free shampoo, Thriven and the secret supplement!! I can not explain the transformation that is going on!!! The hair I had a few weeks ago is long gone and the hair I have now is a gift I was dreaming of. Everyone should try to challange themselves to lay off the harsh things they do to their hair, start Thriven ASAP and have faith that your hair will start a new vibrant life. I am living proof that if you are will to make the effort and be patient you will see results. Try it for 2 weeks I can't wait to hear of the great changes you are going to experience.!!!


  3. kc --

    LOVE the post! i recently started using thriven, the secret supplement ((many thanks for the incredibly fast shipping!!)), purchased a shower filter, drasticly cut down on my flat iron use and heat and for months have been using sls free shampoo. i can't tell you what a difference your protocal has made for me. i hope you don't mind my asking this but i have always wondered...

    the protocol has worked sooo well for soo many -- including myself! i am curious why you think it hasn't worked for the small percentage that has followed it? do you think they only claimed to follow it fully, or is some damage simply beyond repair?

    oooor have you already addressed this and i completely missed it in the blog?? :)


  4. Shaeden,
    what a kind sweet compliment. . . and yes that is something everyone must get used to. The texture of their own hair. I know that can be a shock, its almost mind wrenching to realize - "hey, I have wavy hair"...but when you do and accept it..
    is when your hair will truly begin the full turn around.

    I fully believe in the mind--body--spirit connections for the body to repair itself. So once you heal not only your hair but your mind and your spirit - just watch what grandeur will follow. It can truly be amazing, and its even more fun when it its all brought about because of your hair.

    I find that fun and fascinating and it is why I have remained doing this >> all this time. It can be life-changing for many people. I LOVE THAT.

    Congrats for sticking with it...I know its hard, and commend you for doing it.

    Killer chemist

  5. Girly Gal,
    when you leave these compliments - you bring a very needed smile to my face, so I want you to know how much they are appreciated.

    As far as the small percentage it doesn't work for> ? ?
    To be 100% honest, I have never had any clients that haven't benefitted from THRIVEN & the Secret Supplement - I just think that is so crazy and feel that no one would believe it if I printed I have used the people that have not returned nor I haven't heard back from as that small percentage. They were never people that complained nor it did't work for!

    Although many re-order THRIVEN...I just don't hear from them.

    I have a huge notebook from 6 years ago with comments and names and ideas . . . I have changed the protocol a couple times, I 've change the steps MANY TIMES>...
    I feel some people don't make it the 90 days...
    90 days is not a long time any other hair loss program requires 6 months trial from you...and I know at 6 months the hair is really shining and growing with 10,000HEADS.
    I also feel its hard to get people to commit to something that long.
    I wanted my protocol to be real, to sound 'doable'
    not "out of reach"....and I wanted as many people as possible to try it.

    Because I get a total thrill out of listening to people like you - it truly makes MY DAY!

    I think its funny that this one little girl from southern California - discovered a protocol for hair damage and hair thinning, & loss and the darn thing WORKS!!!

    All of it done in her little LAB/Kitchen/ & mini-Salon -- on her own. To me that is one more insane thing that I have conquered, all on my own. Which is terribly rewarding because this time its based on work I have done using my brain.
    In my Stunt Woman days I accomplished all sorts of insane things, but that was with my body!

    For some reason - this seems to be much more rewarding to me.

    Thanks so much for your post
    aka Killer chemist

  6. thanks, kc, for clearing that up!!

    i couldn't figure out how it WOULDN'T work for everyone -- your protocol addresses everything that could damage hair -- emotional, chemical, physical...

    i have to tell you, you are the best thing that's ever happened to my hair.

    i introduced the changes slowly, thriven/secret supplement being the last. it's been such a fun journey. every individual step improved my hair, but now that i have them all together it's truly unreal! it's changed my hair beyond belief...and even my SKIN looks better!!! who knew?!

    i love that your protocol addresses things from the inside and out. 10,000 seems to be just as much about personal well being as it is about fabulous hair.

    any stylist can give you something to slather on, but there has to be more behind it than that...and that's why 10,000 heads works! you've put sooo much work into it, and it truly shows.

    ((and i was thinking -- the reason some people probably have a tough time sticking with the 90 days is because the protocol involves a real life change!! i can't think of any other programs that require that...but they don't produce these kind of results either!))

    ANYWAY -- go ahead and smile away!! you deserve it. i could never thank you enough.


  7. pls help

    Ive been flat ironing my hair for months now. I usually do it every other day. This routine of mine caused breakage to the ends of my hair and now it is quite brittle. I sometimes have a hard time taming the ends using my flat iron. I'm considering having a Brazilian Blowout to end this kind of addiction and get back to my natural hair. Would this treatment be helpful
    for me and my hair?


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