July 24, 2008

THRIVEN - Killerstrands Own > Deep Conditioner

THRIVEN <> Overnight Hair Conditione

Thriven is Killerstrands Deep conditioner that I developed under the theory that your hair should be treated with as much care, concern and brains that we care for the "skin" with. There are thousands of fantastic skin care products, creams for your face, your eyes, your neck . . they all have very 'pricey' ingredients in them that repair and restore the skins appearance.

I felt the HAIR should have the same. Which is how I began the work into the development of THRIVEN.

Also, the timing. How could I expect a deep hair condtioner to work its magic in an hour or even less, when the great skin creams work they get the overnight timing of a minimum of 6-7-8 hours at night...That is how Thriven works....it must be applied and left on overnight...

So my theory was pretty much "common sense". Common Sense has helped me through life in so many wonderful ways . . .and again it has pulled a brilliant idea out of the air.

mI thank every single one of you, and if I didn't get a chance to shoot you a "thank you" I apologize - - the thing is ...

I've been busy thanks to all of you,

that is a good thing... a really really good thing.

Being so busy gave me a full week of health and smiles - so thanks all -

once again this site has been the most amazing experience for me.

Who would have thought, on the Internet -

I would have had such amazing experiences and relationship forming...

just blows me away !

Comments on THRIVEN by readers

....I have purchased and tried out Thriven and am absolutely delighted! My hair is, to put it mindly, beyond damaged, with the ends having gone through bleach highlights, overlapping lowlights, weekly flat ironing,
chlorine, SLS shampoo, and, last but certainly NOT least, Japanese hair straightening. To put it mildly, my hair has zero bounce, shine, or pliability. It hangs, with tons of breakage, split ends, and you name it. I purchased the Thriven from KC, and have only used it two times so far. My hair has much less frizz, is more flexible, and hangs much better. The hair that is not damaged and virgin (that I've been growing out and is about 8 inches at this point) is shiny, lustrous, and manageable. I wanted to share my experience with this wonderful conditioner, and this is without having used the supplement (no time) but I will incorporate this soon. All the knowledge and expertise that KC is so selfless to share with us is certainly reflected in her
product, and I am very grateful to have found this jem of a website. Thank you very much, Dakota! --June 9, 2008 -- Irina -- Forest Hills, NY

...There are no animal products in it as far as I can see. You will not be disappointed with Thriven. I'm on an intense hair treatment where i use Thriven every other night because my hair is super thrashed. I've been using Thriven for about 4 weeks now and the condition of my hair is LIGHT YEARS better than before I started on Thriven. Try it! - Kathryn S.-- North Hampton, New Hampshire

. . . .I have used Thriven twice now and I am so pleased. I am an African American woman with 4a curly hair that I can honestly say is thriving (pun intended). This is the first product that I've used that has given such great results in such a short time. My mane is smoother, has more body and just looks so alive. Last night I shared the product with my daughter who has 3a curly hair that is damaged and over processed with chemical relaxers. She went to bed with straw and after a thorough rinse in the morning had hair that was so smooth that she could comb it with a fine toothed comb without one snag. The comb glided through as smooth as silk. She couldn't believe it!! I expected to see a significant improvement in the texture of her hair, but even I was amazed at the magnitude of the change. Think we're not believers???!! Merle -- Baltimore, Maryland

. . . .If only everyone could be as thorough, focused, and ethical in their chosen profession as as Dakota the world would be a much better place.. Hands down,Thrivenis the best conditioner ever to grace MY spoiled goldilocks. My first reaction when I twisted off the cap and breathed in the fresh aroma ofThrivento the delicately clingly consistency was that it was "Alive". And sure enough, I swiped my fingers across the Cap ofThrivenand it covered all of my hair and made it instantly pliable. IMPRESSIVE! And it smells so great and it doesn't drip! Also, it feels great after rinsing it out not like other conditioners that feel great under the water in the shower and then leave hair totally dry after rinsing.
I laughed at all of my high-end conditioners that basically feel like clumps of lard being combed through my hair. Bottom line here is that NOTHING else has worked on my hair regardless of price. I have paid exorbitant amounts of money on my hair and it is broken in the back of my head from high end hairdressers frying it off. Which is precisely when I quit the salon except for haircuts and started doing my own hair which is on the road to recovery. Anyway, I forseeThriven saving me tons of money in conditioners because I will no longer purchase them and the amount of Thriven I need to use is so tiny in comparison to other products. I can't think of one product I have ever used that was a "dime size".
Oh yah, one last thing, my husband is Not allergic to it and he is highly allergic to fragrance
I think KC's name should be changed to KGC, Killer Genius Chemist Mrs. M -- Miami Beach, Florida
. . . .KC, I just want to let everyone on the blog site know what a wonderful product your THRIVEN is and how much I look forward to every Wednesday and Saturday nights to do my hair treatment with it. It massages beautifully into my scalp - soo soothing and creamy. Then I massage it through my hair, wrap it in cling wrap, put a woolen cap on and leave it overnight. I used it for a month twice a week before bleaching my hair with your oil bleach and I just couldn't believe the difference in my hair. It went from straw like which it was from the boxed color kits to feeling like virgin hair again. After bleaching my hair I continued with THRIVEN again for another month and my newly bleached blond hair really looks like virgin 'celebrity' hair. I have just placed another order with you. Thank you for sending it. Now I think I read on one of your blogs that I can use THRIVEN as a daily conditioner - can I use it as a leave in conditioner? Please advise otherwise thanks for a really great product. All Killerstrand clients
should really try it and see for yourselves the results. Anna - Zambia, Africa

. . . . Killer Chemist is out of the office right now, but will be returning later in the week.PS - I used a tad of Thriven as a leave in the other day - my hair usually falls flat under anything remotely conditioner like - not with this. Looked pretty, not greasy, all day. Just thought I'd drop a hint. I highly recommend ordering the Thriven - it has done amazing things for my hair as well : ) orders are submitted to KC via an email w/order in the subject line, she'll send you a pay pal request & the order will be out to you real quick. CRISP - San Diego, California

. . . . .Okay - I'll try to be articulate in my posting here. I have started using Thriven. You sleep in it. I have tried LOTS of expensive conditioners, mostly in vain. I leave it straight and make it blonde (with high lift so far, but may be changing that). I have regrettably had some very bad colorists - and paid a lot. But the last one over processed my hair. The previous ones, the hair went orange. The "good" one that specializes in color correction, got it
blonde, but it got thrashed in the process. She sold me "Deep" (about $24 for a toothpaste size tube) and I'd do that with EVERY shampoo, and still could not get my hair to quit looking like straw. I deep conditioned it with every shampoo, let it air dry, and it still was miserable. I had the bottom 3" cut off, and the end result was that the last two inches or so, it still looked like a splayed out, worn out toothbrush. It was so bad even my DH noticed. I got Thriven, and from the FIRST time I tried it, my hair was happier. Before, no matter what conditioner or leave-in I tried, my hair still looked and felt thirsty and dry. NOTHING helped. The Thriven has soothed it - I know that isn't a real "hair" word, but that's how I'd describe the change. The hairs don't splay out at the end (my cut actually looks better, since the hair hangs together). I was ready to have another 3" cut off - trying to rid myself of that old overprocessed hair... and now, I won't. The "healthy look" is back.
Not having to cut another 3" off my hair, is priceless. Regaining the healthy shine, is priceless.
Wanting to actually LOOK at my hair without flinching - is priceless. I haven't used it long enough (I'll need 90 days, I think) to see if I can help it get thicker. But I'm probably going to order some for my Mom, who has the old-lady pink scalp thing going and a bald spot at the top.... I'm that convinced.
I look around me at work, in stadiums, on the train... and at other women's hair now, and I just want to take them aside and give them KS blog info, and say, "You have got to try this... your hair looks so dry and it fixed mine...."
I'm trying to be too superlative, but finding the Holy Grail of hair conditioners after 30 years of trying, is wonderful.
Go for it! Nikki -- Oakland, California

. . . .Hey, I received my bottle of Thriven, and after only two treatments, my frizzy hair is gone, and it even has a shine to it, first time in about 5 yrs. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will be ordering more when this bottle runs out. You didn't say how much to use, so, I have been using about 1/2 oz. or less. Love your product. Vickie --
February 20,2008

. . . .I started using Thriven overnight twice a week...it's been about 2 1/2 weeks maybe? It was shipped really fast. The thing with my hair is that it wasn't that damaged. I took a little breaking to mean it was destroyed...but I don't have the straw-like feel so many people mention. My hair doesn't look damaged to anyone else either. I'm
paranoid though and worried that the small amount of breakage meant I was in big trouble so I ordered. I'm glad I did though. The 1-2 punch in only 2 1/2 weeks or so has made my hair seem thicker. I have a TON of fine fine hair. Now even though it's fine I feel like I have this huge mane. In the files section you can see my hair- that's after I straightened it though, which I do VERY rarely. It looks a LOT thicker without the flat iron.
Anyhow, I think it's great stuff. I am also a student (non-traditional returning student) and I live extremely paycheck to paycheck. I saved up a bit and invested though and I think my hair is worth the price of Thriven :) - - - Jog/Jenna/Jen -- Saco, Maine

You did a great thing by purchasing Thriven for your hair. Good job! Did you use it yet? If so, you probably no longer need my testimonial. I have only minor damage in some areas. Although my hair always seems thirsty for moisture. I am thinning a little on top. So will have to use a while longer before I can tell any difference. I am however confident that this will eigther cure the thinning or help it considerably. Today started my 2nd week on Thriven. The best way I can describe the difference I feel and see is to say it was like given my hair a V8. You know how using regular conditioner seem to only soothe the hair so much acting more like a coating on the hair).Well I feel Thriven is truly penetrating into the hair shaft!! Feeding my hair from the inside out. It's amazing! You'll be so happy! I'll keep you posted on the thinning issue. . .Tamara - Coral Gables- Florida

I reccommend the 8 OZ. as you need this +

the secret supplement that comes with THRIVEN,

Interested in purchasing THRIVEN ?


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