June 8, 2008

Best Hair Care Book Around ( save for book)

down my fav.Philip Kingsley is an Englishman who has spent a lifetime analyzing and fixing heads of hair throughout the world. I would love to have his job. He's been around for a very long time and to tap that brain of his, divine.
Whether you consider your hair to be your crowning glory, a problem that just won't go away, or something that is going away all too fast, this book will provide you with help, reassurance and practical advice that can be put to immediate, beneficial use. I would say his main focus centers on hair loss as a result of various maladies, and how to combat that. In England they have a category of hair experts we don't acknowledge here in the States, Trichology. I considered becoming licensed and holding the certificate, but decided I would spend more time - EXPLAINING what in the world - Trichology - 'was'! I hope someday soon it crosses the pond.
Kingsley is credited with developing the statement, " Bad Hair Day" ! Which I consider ex
If you wanted to buy one book on hair care and hair advice this would be it, in my humble opinion. I own every hair book ever printed and some that weren't printed, this is hands cellent marketing for a man that repairs bad hair ! He is a man with the right goals and vision in life, so the facts behind his studies are on the money. Worth every penny.
Maybe someday I will have my own. The outline is made.


  1. Dear KC (and readers!)
    I have purchased and tried out Thriven and am absolutely delighted! My hair is, to put it mindly, beyond damaged, with the ends having gone through bleach highlights, overlapping lowlights, weekly flat ironing, chlorine, SLS shampoo, and, last but certainly NOT least, Japanese hair straightening. To put it mildly, my hair has zero bounce, shine, or pliability. It hangs, with tons of breakage, split ends, and you name it. I purchased the Thriven from KC, and have only used it two times so far. My hair has much less frizz, is more flexible, and hangs much better. The hair that is not damaged and virgin (that I've been growing out and is about 8 inches at this point) is shiny, lustrous, and manageable. I wanted to share my experience with this wonderful conditioner, and this is without having used the supplement (no time) but I will incorporate this soon. All the knowledge and expertise that KC is so selfless to share with us is certainly reflected in her product, and I am very grateful to have found this jem of a website. Thank you very much, Dakota!

  2. Irina,
    Wow, that is quite the compliment ..thank you so very much, I'm glad you realize and appreciate it all - your note means the world to me - truly..
    Killer Chemist


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