February 2, 2008

5 Hair Cuts : Can You Put The Name To The Cut ?

The Fringe, The Crop, the Mane, the Shag, and the Bob

the next 5 are on their way...


  1. Hello,

    OMG- dont you just hate it when you try to gie ppl advice and they turn around and spit on your face.

    Let me break it down with you. I have been silently reading your site and the whole anti-dye box/kit movement REALLY got to me...and i think its THE best advice in this ENTIRE site. I mean its amazing the damage it does and since reading you site everytime i pass by women who are looking at the shelves and buying the kits - i literally cringe with pain.

    You should literally get a Nobel prize for that sole advice alone.


    just yesterday at was at my moms house and we stumbled upon the topic of dyes and i was like Box Kits are bad...etc and she literally looked at me as if i was stupid - she was like let me guess another marketting gemick ..I WAS LIKE NOOOOOO!!...(the problem is ...my mom has naturally like a light level 7/8 hair so she buys those kits (specifically Garnier Fructis - extra lightening shade 10) and she gets VERY good results i mean its literally like the box (i think thats because her level is naturally light and also its an extra lightening shade so maybe high life? i dont know lool im just reading your site) so anyway although her hair color is exactly what she wants - it is quite dry ..which she doesnt mind since she deep conditons)

    So we where there debating for like 2 hours she was like basically if they were so bad how come my color is good....the problem is even though i know they are bad i didnt have any evidence to back it up..lool i mean i know they are bad cause they damage it but what else?...she was like the ppl who get bad result is because they do it wrong...i was like YES and THE BOX DYE IS HORRIBLE!!...


    i come here to you in defeat of spreadding a good cause and a beg you for some goold ole' ass-kicking evidence of why the box kits are bad...i cant wait to see my moms face when i tell her how bad....!!! LOOL

    The only thing i can think of was the box kits give cancer - but i know thats not true so i didnt use it ...the only other thing that it was high in ammonia ...but then agian i didnt know why that was bad either..so im stuck in your hands...PLEASE help !!!



  2. Hello,

    OMG- dont you just hate it when you try to gie ppl advice and they turn around and spit on your face.

    Let me break it down with you. I have been silently reading your site and the whole anti-dye box/kit movement REALLY got to me...and i think its THE best advice in this ENTIRE site. I mean its amazing the damage it does and since reading you site everytime i pass by women who are looking at the shelves and buying the kits - i literally cringe with pain.

    You should literally get a Nobel prize for that sole advice alone.


    just yesterday at was at my moms house and we stumbled upon the topic of dyes and i was like Box Kits are bad...etc and she literally looked at me as if i was stupid - she was like let me guess another marketting gemick ..I WAS LIKE NOOOOOO!!...(the problem is ...my mom has naturally like a light level 7/8 hair so she buys those kits (specifically Garnier Fructis - extra lightening shade 10) and she gets VERY good results i mean its literally like the box (i think thats because her level is naturally light and also its an extra lightening shade so maybe high life? i dont know lool im just reading your site) so anyway although her hair color is exactly what she wants - it is quite dry ..which she doesnt mind since she deep conditons)

    So we where there debating for like 2 hours she was like basically if they were so bad how come my color is good....the problem is even though i know they are bad i didnt have any evidence to back it up..lool i mean i know they are bad cause they damage it but what else?...she was like the ppl who get bad result is because they do it wrong...i was like YES and THE BOX DYE IS HORRIBLE!!...


    i come here to you in defeat of spreadding a good cause and a beg you for some goold ole' ass-kicking evidence of why the box kits are bad...i cant wait to see my moms face when i tell her how bad....!!! LOOL

    The only thing i can think of was the box kits give cancer - but i know thats not true so i didnt use it ...the only other thing that it was high in ammonia ...but then agian i didnt know why that was bad either..so im stuck in your hands...PLEASE help !!!



  3. sorry typo: High Lift*


  4. I feel very sad that you are sick..:(((
    I am reading this blog for 5 almost months -every other day-, and you keep me such a great company.. You have become -sort of- like a friend to me..R u sure your illness is terminal ? I think you must fight it with all your strength and you might win..You have been very helpful to every person that asked for your help , and did so with joy and giving the impression that you really appreciate peoples's interest to what you have to say.. So let's take some time , and give to your blog a twist..I would like to get to know you better..please write a post about you.And since you have stood near people for personal -meaningless- disasters like -messing up with our hair color,let us (or some of us) help you and stand by you to what you are going through..

    Ok ?


  5. RAy chelle,
    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you

    You get it. even if you don't quite understand it....you get it. That is exactly what I am trying to get across to everyone.
    Thank you.
    You also have run across the problem I thought I would face a long time ago. One of those few people the kits work for. I never said they didn't work on everyone.
    So I expected this to come up sooner...although those people are not really 'looking' for new information.

    I use my own records from my over 10,000 heads of hair I worked on as the basis for my numbers and percentages. I feel that is a substantial and significant amount of people to base facts on. I have estimated that the Kits work on about 25-30% of the people that purchase them - correctly. so out of 100 people that is 25 or 30, your mom fits neatly into that category.

    YOu were SO exactly DEAD-ON RIGHT! about your moms hair, she is the one they are made for. She really is. The thing is, I'd be willing to send you a tube of color and developer to use in place of her boxed kit, just to prove the point of the difference in the quality of the 2 methods.

    I have had many Killerstranders just make the switch from boxed kit to buying the color & developer separately applying the CRIB COLORIST method, you know what they discovered? How much shinier, richer and lusterous their hair is using that method.

    Funny part is..
    this is not a commerical
    I have absolutely nothing to gain, its what they have written to me and told me they found in the difference.If they switch if they don't - does absolutely nothing for me, I was just trying to teach those of you in the hair going public what qualified hair stylists say behind your back.

    WE call hair color kits: Job Security, they screw up so many peoples hair; they are a substantial amount of "new clients" for Salons every month. Its those other 75 people that ended up with screwed up hair, this site is mainly made for.

    Your mom does have one point, one really good point though as well...if you follow the instructions correctly and go by the guidelines...you should be OK. The thing is:no where does it say that it does NOT WORK ON certain colors and types of hair.
    No color works on all hair.

    I bought a couple samples of these kits, you should've seen me it was hilarious I hid it underneath everything else, always making sure no one saw me with it in my cart...but I did it. I really bought 2! I still laugh thinking about it.
    I wanted to know exactly what they said and what the deal was...

    . . . they have crammed so much wording and graphs and charts and crap on there (obviously to cover their butt as well) and its all so damn small you need a magnifying glass to even read it. Therefore, no one is going to read everything..its too small and too confusing - & I know what I am doing.

    You know what?
    Its very late now,I'd like to put together an organized post with bullet points etc..so you and everyone can quote the downfalls of boxed hair color kits easily.

    This is an excellent question and comment and I appreciate you bringing it up -- I'd like to answer it the best way possible. so hang on for a day and I will give you a brief summary.

    Remember part of the problem of explaining my reasons comes from knowing the LEVEL System, color wheel and other tips I've taught here...which is precisely why I have taught it. So the Summary will be filled with those as well. Your mom may not understand it all, but I'll try.

    Thanks again and watch for the post, tomorrow!

    Thanks again Ray chelle

    Killer Chemist

  6. Waterstiller,

    how sweet - how kind of you.....i wonder what your name is....waterstiller can't be it... or is it?
    I don't do well focusing on me...your comment caught me off guard I had to think about it a day.
    I have a SUPER rare disease, so the frustration is ridiculous.

    I can never just be in the norm. that just cannot happen to me. I've been sick for a while, but I didn't want to make this site about me being sick, that's boring. I need things to keep my mind off it...
    I use speaking to all of you as an escape from my illness crap. Although its getting harder and harder...

    What else would you like to know?
    thanks so much for caring, I need it and I appreciate it.

    take care
    Killer chemist

  7. I would love some support from you I could really use it too.
    thank you by the way....

    thank you

  8. Where are you?
    who are you?

    You have no idea how I have fought this damn thing, I din't give up easy, I just have a bone cancer that is unbelievably RARE...when you have a rare disease...its weirdbut NO ONE cares about it. They care about "breast cancer" and prostate cancer and cancers that have mega watt dollars behind them. They virtually "give up" and don't care about the rare ones.
    Its very hard....to fight all alone....if I at least had one doctor that was interested in trying to find a cure.

    I promise you I try hard to fight back, I feel if it was anyone else they would be dead already.
    There have been nights where it was all I could do... to take one more breath - so I now know you "can" make yourself live longer

    its a very weird and surreal feeling to think you won't be here in a few years.
    I have daughters, I won't get to see them have kids...that is devastating to my heart

    just devastating

    I recently found a very successful story about a 50 year old man who got a lung transplant, which is what I feel I need to live. My father-in-law had one about 10 years ago and it didn't work...so they have already improved on them. That's what I am hanging my hopes on in the back of my mind.
    I mean that is a huge operation and to find a donor is a huge mission;I have very rare blood as well.
    Still I am praying and hoping and would love it if I had your support in that quest.

    I hope to find out about the biopsy plans this week.

    Thanks for caring
    it means the world to me
    it really does

  9. Ray Chelle,

    I have begun the 10 point summary for you on the boxed color kits, it may be over your mom's head ...

    part of the problem is getting people to understand that you simply cannot throw Developer and color in a box and say it works on Everyone.
    There is a mathematical formulation for hair color.Just like Algebra...
    You put different numbers in the slots and then you get the proper answer to the proper hair color. But you MUST
    put in the Level of the hair color you start with
    They don't allow for that in these damn kits...so there is no way in Hell they can work. Its so maddening to me.
    I think because it is so simple to fix.
    Why the color manufacturers will not just fix their systems - it would help millions of people be able to get the correct hair color...instead of destroying so many peoples' hair.
    Guess I will never quite get it.

    I will finish your list as well ...so hang tight.

    again, thanks for your support


  10. dont worry i am right here .. :) you dont have to go through this all by yourself..Your disease is rare , that is unfortunate , but cancer is all the same .. a thing that makes all of us scared because we dont know what caused it, or we are not sure how to fight it..I believe that almost every person has someone (relative,friend,himself)that has-had cancer.Maybe some day they will understand that the cure of cancer is to stop being afraid of it..Our body has so many powers..It heals itself in so many ways.U can do whatever you want...if you want to live , you shall live..Dont be afraid.Noone is going to take that away from you.You make the choices here..So that is why i told you to fight it..It sound surreal but it can work :)So let;s make a deal i 'll believe you when you say that orange blond can turn out to a great color like gwens(even though in five months i never managed to make it look good :) ), but you should believe me that you can make it work..no matter what you wont give up, even if the pain hard(i believe you it is hard)..On the other side you have to fight back for what you have made of us-your readers..Your writing is addictive and i keep reading comments when people tell you how they keep coming back every day to see if you have updated..USA is a huge country but the world wide web is almost the entire earth , and you have touched people ... and made them get interested to what you love the most.. hair.To tell you the truth if it wasnt for you.... i would never have so much passion to nail down that silver blond you are so passionate about.. i wouldnt have tried to explain to over 10 employers in beauty stores what a rosy beige toner might be... and why i would ever want anything like that :Ppp..if you think that this is not important please think again.i 've been online since '97 and i only have 2 websites that i keep coming back..the one is yours.hair might not be important to all the people.. but making people see what YOU see in hair... is very important..So if you really had plans about this blog what you thought you might not accomplish, please try to make them real.All it takes to keep us alive is purpose..

    (sorry for any typos or syntax errors .. i try my best to translate from my language in english what i want to say and what i feel)

  11. Sorry for my English because it is not my native language. I have found your blog a few days ago. I have printed out the whole 2007 and the rest of 2008 which gave me the most interesting book of the year. There were many pages but it kept me reading several nights with a lot of interest. First, by the beginning of the blog, I wondered `why would anyone reveal this information and share it with others`. In my country I have noticed that the colorists in the salon are very anxious not to tell you about any numbers or volume of bleach they are using on you. But after reading all the posts I think I understand. Well done and very caring. I wish you well.
    For myself, I have a very good haircutter, but I didn´t appreciate his color-skills. After bleaching he never toned the hair, so it was still too yellow. Then I started to do it myself. I have never used a box from the store, happily where I live I was able to buy salon stuff (goldwell in the beginning but last year I have switched to koleston perfect). I have made my mistakes, most of the time it was left too dark, but it never went green, or violet, thankfully. After reading your posts, now I understand you have to bleach.I am a naturally level 6, level 7, somewhat in between. Is that possible? I know for sure that level 6 is too dark but I think a level 7 is too light for my natural shade. Also my brows are quite light. I do understand your formula to bleach to a certain level. So, level 6 to level 8, bleach to level 10 (pale yellow) and then use the koleston for going back to 8).But, I do have very fine hair, but a lot of it, and I have noticed in the past that when I use 3% peroxide, it became level 10 in just half an hour. Would 40%, which you adviced, not be too harsh?

    I have not a single grey hair, despite my age of 50, but sooner or later they will be there. I don't know how to colour then. Do I still have to bleach?

    I do like multicoloured hair: several shades of blondes, because I think that's the most natural way. But I have experienced that it is almost impossible (as you have written before) to use lots of foils in the back and everywhere done by yourself. Thats why your remark on using ribbons or panels got my attention. Ribbons and drips I understand now, I have carefully looked at your pcitures and I think it is something I can do by myself. But panels? What are these? And is it wise for me to bleach and then just colour with Wella Colour Touch: the demi? With recouloring, with the ribbons left very light off course, is it difficult to keep them light? Would they not absorb the colour from the rest of the hair?

    In the past I have used ash-tones, but I think my hair takes up the green in it very easy. So I mixed it with just a little bit of gold-blond.But somehow, that wasn't the right colour either. Last time I have finished with Koleston Perfect 10/16, just mixed with conditioner and water, and that was nicer. Perhaps this was stupid? I do like to colour hair a lot, mixing colours and well, I think it is a nice job to do.

    A lot of questions, I realise. But I have noticed from the comments that you are nice, and friendly, and always willing to help people in a very useful manner, so, I overcame my hesistation and decided to post a comment by myself. By the way, I don't mean to be anonymous, but I still don't have a google account (I have to make one) but my name is Erica.

  12. Hey, I've been reading the blog for a long time and am currently going platinum. I am at pale yellow now and just bought some toner.I gave up the box kits and am writing a research paper/essay on the effects of boxed hair dye. I am using your blog as one of my resources(exciting!) My temporary thesis is "Home hair color kits are flawed(or need change) because they are misleading, do not consider key factors of haircoloring,[PET] and do not state the volume of developer used. Hopefully I can convert some of my classmates to the killerstrands ways. I go to an all girl school btw, so I see bad dye jobs a LOT.

  13. Sam,
    THAT IS FANTASTIC! ! What do you think about letting me Post a copy of your finished work as a "day's" Post --- when completed?
    Love to do that........KC

  14. I'm researching how to dye my blonde hair black, but I'm not coming up with much. I wouldn't bother you, but I can't find an answer on your blog either and maybe someone else out there needs the same info.

    Previously a wonderful hair stylist dyed my hair. I didn't experience any problems at all, except that my hair had noticeably faded around week four. I got it redone every 5-6 weeks.

    I could no longer afford the stylist and started dying it myself. I knew boxed products wouldn't be great, but I thought that my hair was too short to see much damage before it would be cut off. But it started to feel really damaged when wet and my scalp was drying out and becoming a bit flaky.

    I've gone back to blonde before ( color oops then dye), but when my hair and scalp were in better condition, I couldn't help myself and dyed it black again only to encounter the same issues soon after. I want to try again before I give up, but buy better products. They sell Wella at the Sally's nearby, so I can obtain that. Do I use 10 vol developer and a blue-black tint?

    Virgin Hair: level 7-8 ash blonde
    Desired Hair: level 1 blue-black
    Current Hair: orangish (post-color oops & no dye in it at present)
    Hair length: longest 2-2.5 inches
    Hair type: fine hair
    Density: medium
    Consistency: a bit porous

    In the absense of Pureology, I've been using Aphogee for Damaged Hair from Sallys. It was recommended to me by the last woman that cut my hair, but so far I'm not impressed. I haven't redyed my hair yet from the color oops because I want my hair and scalp to rest first.

  15. Oh, in addition, I'm 29, so I don't have any gray hair. I would guess that my hair is Nordic or Celtic. That bit is confusing as I have blue eyes, pale white skin, slightly pink undertones, and naturally ash-toned hair. I seem to have both Nordic and Celtic traits. I'm definitely a cool though, as opposed to a warm, if that helps.

  16. Not to spam the heck out of your blog, but I just saw that you charge for your color advice. I didn't mean to be rude and ask for your help for free. Sorry!

  17. Jae,
    Your entire problem lies in the fact that you use Sally's products, they simply do not have the strength or ingredients for your (or anyone's) project to turn out and/or last.
    You've done it over and over and it doesn't work and it never will until you use professional products and learn by reading this blog's posts ...........how to do it correctly. The information is here, use it.

    Until you use professional products like are available in our Killer Color Clinic... your hair project will ever turn out.

    P.S. I would never EVER recommend to anyone to dye their hair BLACK. I just think it is always a huge huge mistake. That's my opinion, and only through 10,000 heads of hair that have gone through my chair have I learned that.
    hope that helps


All comments are moderated. Please do not include: references to personal information, or any profane, inflammatory or copyrighted comments. We would appreciate it if we all stick to the subject of HAIR . Have a wonderful day.