January 27, 2008

Paint Drips & Ribbons - Tricks-of-the-Trade - Part 3

 Drips and Ribbons is more the Killer Strands method

As you'll see in the head sheet break down, you'll see how the 4 strips were chosen. I chose these to make them easily viewable by you ( not the goal in hair really)
2 Drips and 2 Ribbons
I want you to see how easily they are done,
then refer back to the first post
to see how these very simple techniques look on finished hair ...you will be able to relate the photos in that link to how it was accomplished.


let me know if you have any questions I tried to cover it as simply as this medium would allow

These first 5 photos are focused on the red paint Drip on the LEFT side , bleach was applied from mid-strand to end, depending on what you are putting this on top of would make a difference in how exactly you apply it. If it is virgin hair you would apply the same way as if bleaching the hair. If color is on the hair you can apply to the strand as well, it will just have to be left on longer. The hair does not have to be super light...the photos of that stage got deleted.- i apologize. The hair only needs to be lightened to a Level 8-9 for most looks

There are hundreds of choices .. of what to do with these pieces of lightened hair- i did the most bold so it would show up in photos the best. I used blue and wished I had used yellow, but couldn't bring myself to (even tho it didn't matter - how weird am I? ) See how I started the bleach at about the tip of her nose for this one? 
See the very faint blue ribbon? 

Then there is the blue paint drips on the left side which were started close to the bottom of the hair with about 2 inches of hair covered with bleach. Rinsed then covered with Blue FUDGE Semi Permanent hair color ( no peroxide) - so these will fade. Look how cool that blue looks peeking out of the bottom of the hair. LOVE IT . You can put color over the bleach, or tone the bleach pieces, make them SILVER...make them black, or make them a gorgeous vanilla blond...there are hundreds of choices to m ake you different. You know why this is a great technique for Crib Colorists? Its easy to apply to yourself. This technique does not necessarily need to be applied to the back of the head and it still looks damn cool, you can change it all the time as well!

Here we have the Red Ribbons and Blue Ribbons (hidden pretty much), see the difference?? ribbons are ON-THE-SCALP , paint drips are OFF-THE-SCALP from a random place chosen on the hair strip - as if the hair was dipped in a paint can

please any questions,


I wrote this Post ON January 27 2008! Isn't that funny, it's just now 2015 so many of you are getting used to these techniques and ideas of doing hair but the ideas and looks have been around for over 20 years !!!!

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