January 21, 2008

Paint Drips & Ribbons : Tricks-of-the-Trade - Step 1

Accomplish this simple technique at home & become a

Hair Coloring techniques so simple, At Home, is the Finest place to practice them

There are some hair color techniques that you can do at home that are simple, and will make you look as though you have had your hair done at one of the top Salons. There just has never been anyone to turn to - to learn them,
now there is.
You will need a few supplies easily purchased through Killer Strands Color Clinic or your local Beauty Supply. To date I have been attempting to teach and share many of the most difficult theories and procedures ...its about time for a rest and for some fun!

We will use Molly's sister.... 'Dolly' who is a brunette with longer hair to demonstrate the ribbon / paint drips techniques. The fun with this is that any number of colors may be created, which will be more apparent as we move along into the description of this technique.

There is no "technical-by-the-book" method of doing this and there is one method that I will show you on Dolly...but doing it to yourself does and will need some modification - you can develop that on your own. Every Stylist has their own technique: methods and tricks all trying to accomplish the same result, let me show you mine.

One of the newer, coolest and fun techniques is paint drips.

First, what I did was to look through the first few days of posts on http://www.killerpics.blogspot.com/ to see if I could find any photos of hair with both Paint Drips and "ribbons" techniques. Funny part?? there were many. All different types so you can see exactly what you can do with this very simple technique. Every photo here is an example of this technique... see how subtle yet see how opulent and glorious it can look at the same time.

Let me show you the photos today of the various looks you can achieve with this same little technique that will cost you barely anything can be done on many different lengths and colors of hair and takes very little hair education to accomplish.

Notice the blond strips, pieces, ribbons, or as in the photo at the top that says "Winter Beauty Blitz" which is a shining example of Paint Drips. Looks as though she has taken her hair and dipped a couple pieces into a paint can....and the color remaining is drips.

A look very big in Europe. What you can achieve with this is a lightened - fashion forward look...without having to put your hair through the time .. the torture and the retouches, because you basically NEVER HAVE ROOTS! This truly is a PERFECT hair procedure for all you home hair colorists to get down.

Many of you need to get away from the old style method of highlights, that is no longer the way we are placing color in hair... Its much more a freestyle - more natural method of jazzing and pizazzing up those lock of yours.

This bottom photo is one of the more radical, but still...how elegant is this? How beautiful and gorgeous are photos above # 1 and #2 ??? To place those couple blond ribbons in those styles is just so easy and end up looking so damn gorgeous....I am daring all of you to start thinking about changing your hair up to try this.

We will go into Dolly's transformation tomorrow... with the most minimum of products.

Its basically, bleach /developer/foils /gloves and a comb! So gather them up and lets get you all some wonderfully placed Paint Drips!



  1. Hi Dakota,
    I am SO glad you are covering this - I was wondering how to bleach specific strands, and then how was I to go back and then painstakingly grab those same strands and tone them.

  2. rhonda,
    I hope I made this clear for you...you would never do it on any strands thinner than 1/4 inch or it would be useless. The best way is using a tail comb..a tail comb is one of the handiest tools you can use. I need to stress it more.
    A tail comb is going to be included in the kit to become a "CRIB COLORIST". Something I have in the works and hope I can achieve. I want you members to be able to sign up to become a Crib Colorist... so once you have colored your hair using the methods you have learned on Killerstrands, whatever methods they are... and submit a little story of your achievement, you will receive this little package from Killerstands.
    That's the goal anyway . . hope you will be one of the 1st members!

    Killer Chemist


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