February 14, 2012

INTENSIVE Hair Balancer : Works Wonders for Damaged Hair

One of the best little secrets Killerstrands makes..... is its product called : INTENSIVE 
There are a lot of you purchasing the oil-bleach kit this week and I cannot stress enough the importance of using this product. It can make all the difference in the world having healthy hair when you are finished with the procedure using INTENSIVE. 
It is formulated to balance out the pH of the hair - - after it has been altered in order to change the color of your hair.  People are so funny, they tell me they do not want to use ammonia, or bleach ..... on their hair...  yet - - they want their Level 5 hair platinum blond with NO Brass.  If you want certain hair colors you must learn the [proper way to reach them OR you must find a competent Hair Colorist.
If I were to color your hair with a product that does NOT use ammonia, they have added one of the alternate ingredients (that does THE EXACT SAME THING !!). So, be very very careful of products that say "no ammonia".
In order to color anyone's hair, the pH of the hair MUST be altered....(if it isn't.... the hair cannot be colored). Its Chemistry, and it is an absolutely wonderful  discovery....it is the chemistry formula that the founder of L'Oreal, French chemist Eugene Schueller, invented in 1907.
Although when you think about it....Hair color has been around for centuries (Thousands of years, dating back to the 1200s  (Maybe even before.). It was used for the reason of telling which social Class a person was. Women would tint their hair(depending on the social class.) different colors. But it was done by compressing flowers and items from nature (which was how "HENNA" got its start). Now that we have the advanced science formulas for how hair color works we are soooo lucky to have them. Treasure them, don't fight them. If you are not up for the ingredients.....don't color your hair. That's OK too. For the healthiest hair on the planet - leave the hair alone. Work on deep conditioners / Gleam.  

There will come a time when playing with hair color will interest you. I truly find it an art and a beautiful art at that.


Killer Chemist
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